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作者(外文):Wang, Kuan-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Modeling HRV Power-Law Behavior with Synchronized Metronomes
指導教授(外文):Hong, Tzay-Ming
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Bang
Lo, Chung-Chuan
Hsiao, Pai-Yi
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:605
  • 評分評分:*****
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We learned from previous researches that power law in Heart Rate Variability (HRV) frequency domain analysis has been proven useful in clinical use. However, the reason behind this phenomenon is still unclear. To gain further insights into the source of the power law in HRV, we turn to synchronized metronomes as a toy model to study how fluctuations occur and affect the spectrum of a synchronized system.
The reason why we made an analogy between the complicated physiological phenomenon of heartbeats and the simple system like synchronized metronomes was motivated by a surprising finding that them both share similar time-domain properties and power-law behavior in their spectra. We proposed a mathematic model on time domain which is capable of describing the behavior of both HRV and synchronized metronomes and gives a power law on frequency domain when Fourier transformed.
We have another proposal to shorten the time required to perform HRV analysis from 24 to 12 hours, in hope to make the analysis more approachable and powerful in clinical use.
Abstract 2
摘要 3
Acknowledgement 4
Chapter 1. Introduction and What We Learned 7
1.1 What is Power Law 7
1.2 What is HRV 11
1.3 HRV and Power Law 13
1.4 Synchronization Phenomenon. 17
1.5 Metronomes 20
1.6 Summary of What We Learned from Previous Researches 22
1.6.1 The Power in HRV 22
1.6.2 Possible Sources of the Exponent 23
Chapter 2. Experiments and Results 24
2.1 The Transformation Between Auto-Correlation and Power Spectrum 24
2.2 Synchronized Metronomes 28
2.3 Power Law in HRV and Synchronized Metronomes 33
2.4 Tests on HRV Analysis 39
Chapter 3. Conclusion and Discussion 44
3.1 Proposals 44
3.1.1 A Temporal Model that Generates the Power Law in HRV and Synchronized Metronomes 44
3.1.2 A New Method to Shorten the Time of Measurement 47
3.2 Discussion 49
Reference 51
Appendix 55
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