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作者(外文):Huang, Shu-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):Higher-order Markov Chain and its Application in Exchange Rate Forecasting
指導教授(外文):Lin, Wen-Wei
Chu, Chia-Chieh
口試委員(外文):Huang, Tsung-Min
Li, Tie-Xiang
外文關鍵詞:Higher-order Markov chainNonnegative tensorZ-eigenvalue problemExchange rate forecasting
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:565
  • 評分評分:*****
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Exchange rate forecasting is of great value to financial decisions. Markov chain is commonly used in many practical system including finance and economics. By observing the changing of states during the past time, it predicts the incidence possibility of each state. First-order Markov chain is memoryless whose transition probability matrix can only describe the change of one step. However, the phenomenon in reality is often not only related to the state of one step in the past. Therefore, we apply higher-order Markov chains. The number of independent parameters in a conventional higher-order Markov model increases exponentially with respect to the order, causing serious difficulties in computation. To avoid such problem, we used a modified model and turn transition matrix into an nonnegative tensor. After solving the Z-eigenvalue problem corresponding to this tensor, we find the stationary probability distribution which represents the possibility of any exchange rate in the future. The forecasting result is then computed by the expect value.
1 Introdution....................................1
1.1 Notation Proclaim...........................2
2 Background.....................................3
2.1 Markov chain................................3
2.2 Limiting properties of Markov chains........5
2.3 Tensor......................................6
3 Higher-order Markov chain......................8
3.1 Models......................................8
3.2 Parameter estimation.......................10
3.3 Conversion to Z-eigenvalue problem.........12
4 Z-eigenvalue problem for nonnegative tensor...14
4.1 Computing Z-eigenpair......................14
5 Numerical experiments.........................16
5.1 Database...................................16
5.1.1 Data preprocessing......................17
5.1.2 Data classification.....................17
5.2 Model construction.........................18
5.3 Measure of predictive power................19
5.4 Numerical results..........................19
6 Conclusions...................................25
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