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作者(外文):Chen, Li-yen
論文名稱(外文):Development and Efficacy Testing of Double-layer Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry Monitoring System
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Ching-Han
Hsu, Fang-Yuh
外文關鍵詞:OSLDextremity dosimetereyelens dosimeterenergy dependenceangular dependence
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游離輻射的應用廣泛、各類作業特性具有很大的差異,對於過去人員劑量計專注於監測有效劑量恐無法足以符合各產業實際的需求;例如從事核醫藥物操作的放射師、藥師其手部肢端劑量會遠超過其他個別器官的劑量、從事介入性診療的醫師眼球也會接受較高的輻射劑量。因此,以單一個配戴於胸口的佩章來作整體的劑量監控,不具有代表性,亦可能會失去其保守性。依據現有人員劑量監測實務作業,(1)肢端劑量計對於不同能量輻射線不具有能量判別與響應修正能力,以及(2)眼球水晶體劑量限值下修後之監測方法建立係人員劑量監測之主要挑戰。故為因應國際輻防趨勢改變、以及精進人員劑量監測技術;本研究基於可重複計讀之光激發光材料研發市面首見之雙層光激發光劑量計監測系統。此系統可用於判別游離輻射射質,進行劑量響應修正,完成更精準之劑量評估。系統可應用於肢端與眼球水晶體劑量監測系統使用。本研究所建置系統包含劑量計硬體設計與製作、計讀儀設計與製作、劑量響應模擬、劑量演算流程建置、相關測試以及依照國際標準ANSI/HPS N13.32-2008之系統驗證作業。經驗證之系統,除可通過ANSI/HPS N13.32-2008四類別測試;對於系統最低可測值、再現性、角度依存性等都進行量化分析。
Ionizing radiation is widely used in many industrial, and the characteristics of various operations are very different. In the past, personnel dosimetry mainly focused on monitoring effective doses may not be sufficient to meet the actual needs of various industries; for example, radiologists and pharmacists engaged in nuclear medicine operations whose extremities dose will far exceed the dose to other individual organs, and the eyes of physicians engaged in interventional diagnosis and treatment will also receive higher radiation doses. Therefore, using a single badge worn on the chest for overall dose monitoring is not representative and may lose its conservatism. According to the existing practice of personnel dose monitoring, (1) the extremity dosimeter does not have energy discrimination and response correction capabilities for different energy radiation, and (2) the establishment of the monitoring method after the dose limit of the eye lens is revised is based on personnel dose monitoring. main challenge. Therefore, in response to changes in international radiation protection trends and the improvement of personnel dose monitoring technology, this study developed the first double-layer photoluminescence dosimeter monitoring system on the market based on repeatable optical stimulated luminescent materials. This system can be used to discriminate ionizing radiation quality, perform dose response correction, and complete more accurate dose assessment. The system can be applied to the dose monitoring system of extremities and eyeball lenses. The system built in this institute includes dosimeter hardware design and production, meter reading device design and production, dose response simulation, dose calculation process establishment, related testing and system verification in accordance with the international standard ANSI/HPS N13.32-2008 . The verified system, in addition to passing ANSI/HPS N13.32-2008 four-category test; conducts quantitative analysis on the minimum measurable value, reproducibility, and angle dependence of the system.
中文摘要 II
誌謝 V
第一章、導論 1
1.1背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1光激發光材料沿革與應用 2
1.2.2人員劑量計發展 4
1.2.3 OSL原理以及與TLD的比較 8熱發光劑量計介紹 8光激發光原理介紹 10兩種常見的光激發光劑量計 13
1.3研究背景與動機 17
1.3.1人員劑量國際管制建議、我國現行管制限值以及現行管制作法 17職業曝露劑量管制限值 17職業曝露劑量監測作法與面臨挑戰 20
1.3.2人員劑量監測的趨勢 23
1.3.3研究目標與動機 24
第二章、材料與方法 25
2.1劑量計設計 25
2.1.1劑量計材料 25
2.1.2劑量計結構設計 25
2.2計讀儀設計 29
2.3蒙地卡羅法計畫與演算法建立 33
2.3.1蒙地卡羅法 33
2.3.2 Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System 33
2.3.3雙層劑量計響應測試 36
2.3.4能量依存性測試 38
2.3.5角度依存性測試 38
2.4劑量校正 39
2.5指環劑量系統評估流程 39
2.6依ANSI/HPS N13.32(2008)人員劑量能力試驗標作之驗證說明 42
2.7再現性與最低可測值測試 47
第三章、結果與討論 48
3.1蒙地卡羅模擬結果 48
3.1.1 能量依存性模擬結果 48
3.1.2雙層劑量計響應測試結果 49
3.2校正結果 51
3.3依ANSI/HPS N13.32(2008)人員劑量能力試驗標作之驗證結果 52
3.3.1第一類高劑量光子驗證結果 53
3.3.2第二類光子場驗證結果 53
3.3.3第三類電子場驗證結果 53
3.3.4第四類光電子混合場驗證結果 53
3.4 劑量系統特性測試 54
3.4.1最低可測值測試結果 54
3.4.2再現性測試 55
3.4.3角度依存性誤差影響 57
3.5研究限制 60
第四章、結論 61
參考文獻 62
附錄一蒙地卡羅PHITS之評估座標、圖示與程式碼 67
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