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作者(外文):Hsu, Heng-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Development of Multi-Dimensional Microfluidic Cell Culture Devices for in vitro Vascularization Study under Various Oxygen Microenvironments
指導教授(外文):Tung, Yi-Chung
Tseng, Fan-Gang
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Ji-Yen
Hsu, Yu-Hsiang
Wu, Hsiao-Mei
外文關鍵詞:VascularizationOxygen GradientMicrofluidicsEndothelial cellFibroblast
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血管生長 (Vascularization) 過程在人體正常的生理和病理發展過程中持續進行, 研究發現血管的形成 (Vascular formation) 與氧氣張力 (Oxygen tension)之間有著密不可分的關係。 然而因為技術的限制,氧氣在空間中的分佈即氧氣梯度 (Oxygen gradient) 對血管發育的影響仍有待進一步的探索。本論文利用微流體技術設計了兩個不同的細胞培養平台,以建構具有氧氣梯度的體外細胞模型,用來探索血管形成過程與環境中氧氣梯度之間的相關性。為了在體外構建類似體內的微觀環境,本論文亦應用水凝膠來形成具有適當的三維環境作為細胞外基質(Extra-cellular matrix, ECM),並為細胞及組織提供必需的生長因子。為了研究微流體細胞培養平台所創造的氧氣梯度,本論文利用頻率域螢光生命週期顯微術 (Frequency domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, FD-FLIM) 來測量微流體平台中所生成的氧氣梯度。 利用本論文所發展的第一個細胞培養平台,實驗中可以觀察到三維水凝膠內存在的氧氣梯度,可促進血管細胞網路的形成,氧氣梯度亦對血管細胞網路形成的方向有著調節的作用。 此外,在第二個細胞培養平台的實驗中,觀察到氧氣梯度的存在對血管細胞出芽行為扮演關鍵的角色,梯度具有增加血管細胞出芽長度之特性。
本論文所開發具有能夠產生氧氣梯度的微流體細胞培養平台,提供了生醫研究先進的體外模型,可以應用於研究各種類似體內氧氣微環境下的血管細胞網路形成和血管萌芽行為。 更進一步,可以應用在研究與氧氣相關的腫瘤微環境,以更好地探索腫瘤發生及轉移的過程,更具有幫助改善臨床檢驗和藥物開發及篩選的淺力。 另一方面,如此可形成氧氣梯度的微流道細胞培養平台可以進一步加速血管化類器官之開發,期許在未來能應用在類器官晶片的開發上,加速實現個人化臨床藥物篩檢及個人精準治療。
Vascularization processes are ongoing in human bodies throughout normal physiological and pathological development. It has been shown that oxygen tensions can greatly affect vascular formation. However, the influence of the spatial distribution of oxygen (i.e., oxygen gradient) on vascular development is still underexplored. Therefore, two microfluidic platforms are designed in this thesis to explore the relationship between the blood vessel-forming processes and oxygen gradient generations. Furthermore, to construct the human-like microenvironment in vitro, hydrogels are exploited to construct a three-dimensional extracellular matrix (ECM) with proper properties and supply essential growth factors for cell/tissue growth. In order to investigate the oxygen microenvironments inside the devices, the generated oxygen gradients are characterized using frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FD-FLIM) measurements. The results of the first vascular formation studies reveal that the oxygen gradient can be established within the hydrogels in the microfluidic device. The experimental results show that the oxygen gradients can promote three-dimensional vascular cell network formation. In addition, the gradient also plays an important role in regulating the vascular cell network orientation. The second device is exploited to investigate vascular cell sprouting, and the results show that the presence of an oxygen gradient has great effects on increasing vascular cell sprouting.
It is confirmed that the two developed microfluidic platforms can generate oxygen gradients for cell culture applications. The platforms provide powerful in vitro models to investigate both vascular cellular network formations and vascular sprouting behaviors under various in vivo-like oxygen microenvironments. The platforms can be further applied to study the oxygen-related tumor microenvironments to better picture the process of tumorigenesis and metastasis. In addition, the microfluidic platforms capable of generating oxygen gradients can be further exploited to develop vascularized organoids for the development of the advanced organ-on-a-chip that can be used in personalized medicine in the coming future.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Specific Aims 5
1.4 Thesis Outline 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Vascularization 8
2.2 Oxygen Levels 10
2.3 Extracellular Matrix 14
2.4 Main Growth Factors for Vascularization 16
2.5 Microfluidic Systems 17
Chapter 3 Development of an upside-down microfluidic platform capable of generating oxygen gradient to study influence of oxygen gradient on initial vascular cell network formation 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Materials and Methods 26
3.2.1 Microfluidic Device Design and Fabrication 26
3.2.2 Cell Culture 28
3.2.3 Three-dimensional (3D) Hydrogel Preparation 29
3.2.4 Oxygen Gradient Generation Method 31
3.2.5 Consistence of Oxygen Levels 32
3.2.6 Numerical Simulation 32
3.2.7 Frequency Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy System 34
3.2.8 Characterization of Oxygen Gradient 37
3.2.9 Characterization of the Hydrogel Stiffness 39
3.2.10 Cell Viability 39
3.2.11 Immunocytochemistry 40
3.2.12 Proportions of Single Cell Analysis 41
3.2.13 Statistical Analysis 44
3.3 Results and Discussion 44
3.3.1 Oxygen Gradient Profiles in the Microfluidic Platform 44
3.3.2 Cell Viability Analysis 46
3.3.3 Single Cell Population Analysis 52
3.3.4 Cell Network Length and Orientation Analysis 55
3.4 Elasticity of Hydrogel Compositions 61
3.5 Conclusion 63
Chapter 4 Studying the development of vascular endothelial cell sprouting under combinations of oxygen conditions and hydrogel compositions 64
4.1 Introduction 64
4.2 Materials and Methods 66
4.2.1 Microfluidic Platform 66
4.2.2 Cell Culture 68
4.2.3 Three-Dimensional (3D) Matrix 69
4.2.4 Oxygen Gradient Generation Method 70
4.2.5 The Characterization of Oxygen Gradients 72
4.2.6 Assay of Angiogenesis Sprouting 73
4.2.7 Analysis of Angiogenic Sprouting Length 73
4.2.8 Cell Viability Assay 74
4.2.9 Immunocytochemistry Staining 75
4.2.10 Cytokine Array Analysis 76
4.2.11 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Analysis 77
4.2.12 Statistical Analysis 78
4.3 Results and Discussion 79
4.3.1 Oxygen Gradient Profiles in the Angiogenic Sprouting Microfluidic Platform 79
4.3.2 Analysis of Cell Viability 82
4.3.3 HUVECs sprouting in Various Oxygen Microenvironments 83
4.3.4 Sprouting of HUVECs with Co-culture of MRC-5 in the 3D Hydrogel Matrixes 87
4.3.5 Cytokine Array Analysis 91
4.3.6 Analysis of Hydrogel Stiffness 93
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works 100
List of Papers 103

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