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作者(外文):Huang, Chih-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Development of Diode-pumped Yb:CaF2 Regenerative Amplifier
指導教授(外文):Lin, Ming-Wei
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ming-Chang
Chen, Tsan-Yao
外文關鍵詞:Regenerative AmplifierYb:CaF2 crystalDiode-pumped
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  • 點閱點閱:45
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文主要包含高功率超短脈衝再生放大器(regenerative amplifier)的設計與架設。此高功率超短脈衝再生放大器系統為一個啁啾脈衝放大(Chirped pulse amplification, CPA)系統,其中包含了脈衝延展器(pulse stretcher)、再生放大器與脈衝壓縮器(pulse compressor),而再生放大器又分為兩級,以獲得更多的輸出能量。
再生放大器的設計最終目標是要將脈衝放大至110 mJ,進而產生高峰功率的超短脈衝,並且使其重複率到達100 Hz。脈衝壓縮器預計要將脈衝時寬從400 ps壓縮至200 fs。而在架設的時程上,第一級再生放大器與第二級再生放大器為同時進行,故架設時為將脈衝延展後的光束作分光同時進行架設。
本論文為使用脈衝延展後的光束作架設,藉由量測輸入與輸出的光束輪廓(beam profile)確認共振腔的架設。當摻鐿氟化鈣晶體被汲發時,可將脈衝關在共振腔內將其放大。
This thesis describes how to design and construct an ultrashort pulse regenerative amplifier. This ultrashort pulse regenerative amplifier system is a chirped pulse amplification system, which consists of a pulse stretcher, a regenerative amplifier, and a pulse compressor. Regenerative amplifier is divided into two levels to get more energy for the gain medium.
To prevent the gain medium damaging by the amplified laser pulse, the pulse is first stretched by the pulse stretcher. The duration of the laser pulse is longer and the pick power is reduced. The fluence of the laser pulse remains unchanged. Then let the pulse pass through the gain medium several times to increase its pulse energy. After the laser pulse is amplified, its time duration is compressed by the pulse compressor. The pulse energy remains unchanged, and the pulse duration is compressed. Ultrashort pulse laser can be obtained.
The design of the second-order regenerative amplifier is expected to raise the pulse energy to 110 mJ, and the repetition rate is 100 Hz. The pulse compressor is expected to compress the pulse duration from 400 ps to 200 fs. The first-order and the second-order regenerative amplifier are built at the same time, so split the stretched pulse to do the construction.
This thesis use stretched pulses to do the construction, and check the construction of regenerative cavity by measuring the input and output beam profile. The pulse can be amplified by trapping in the cavity when the Yb:CaF2 crystal is pumped.
◆論文指導教授推薦書◆ I
◆學位考試委員審定書◆ II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
誌謝 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 產生超短脈衝 2
第二節 使用摻鐿氟化鈣晶體(Yb:CaF2 crystal)作為增益介質 2
第三節 雷射系統介紹 3
第四節 雷射脈衝放大器 5
第二章 實驗設計 7
第一節 設計再生放大器 7
第二節 汲發光路的設計 21
第三節 系統觸發時序之設計 24
第三章 實驗架設 27
第一節 各部件之安排與選擇 27
第二節 架設再生放大器 29
第四章 結果與討論 43
附錄 I 增益的模擬程式 52
附錄 II ISEO架設過程中可能遇到的問題 55
參考文獻 58
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