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作者(外文):Liao, Po-Hsinag
論文名稱(外文):Development of Field Emission Electron Gun for Desktop Electron Microscope
指導教授(外文):Chen, Fu-Rong
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Fan-Gang
Wu, Wen-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Field emissionTungstenElectrochemistryZirconium oxideSchottky type
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  • 點閱點閱:581
  • 評分評分:*****
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With the development of technology, electron microscope has become an important observational tool in different major such as physics, chemistry, biology, and materials engineering. The source of electron microscope, it usually divide into two types, thermionic type and field emission type. Field emission type electron source usually have smaller tip radius than thermal type, so it can produce smaller electron source. Then, electron beam pass by condenser lens, a small spot size source is formed. Therefore, the brightness of the electron gun is much brighter than thermal type source. In addition, field emission source spectral energy distribution is close to monochromatic, and has smaller energy spread. So field emission source has better coherence that lead it obtain higher resolution. Although field-emission type electron gun have above advantages, but it need to maintain in high vacuum condition. Because the tip of the field emission electron gun can easily react with impurities in the air, and lead the needle tip blunt. When the needle tip is blunt, it will cause the field emission gun poor efficiency. So the field emission type electron gun needs lots of high vacuum equipment to maintain it stay in high vacuum condition and high efficiency.
The purpose of this research is using cheaper and more convenient ways to produce a field emission electron gun tip. And then set it up on our lab’s group made Desktop Electron Microscope to improve the resolution. In this paper, we successfully fabricated a field electron gun tip using electrolytic machining. The radius of curvature of the electron gun tip is about 100 nm or less, and its reproduction rate is also high. Finally, we also tried to deposit ZrO on the tip to make thermionic (Schottky) type field electron gun. After that, we also design some components installed on our Desktop Electron Microscope to finish field emission microscope.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 掃描式電子顯微鏡成像原理 2
1.3. 電子顯微鏡電子槍光源 3
1.4. 桌上型掃描式電子顯微鏡 4
1.5. 研究動機 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1. 場發射電子槍 6
2.2. 電解加工金屬針尖製作 8
2.3. 氧化鋯薄膜沉積 13
第三章 理論基礎 15
3.1. 針尖電解加工化學反應 15
3.2. 電化學Nernst 方程式 17
3.3. 電化學之電極極化 18
3.4. 電解加工參數對表面粗糙的影響 19
3.5. 溶膠-凝膠法之氧化鋯薄膜沉積 22
第四章 機構設計及製作方法 23
4.1. 電子槍機構設計、調整 23
4.2. 電解加工針尖蝕刻系統 30
4.2.1. 電解加工設備 30
4.2.2. 電解加工電源控制系統 33
4.2.3. 針尖量測分析系統 35
4.2.4. 電解加工實驗材料 36
4.2.5. 電解液的濃度、電極選用 37
4.2.6. 電解加工實驗參數設定 38
4.2.7. 電解加工實驗步驟 39
4.3. 鎢絲針尖焊接 41
4.4. 氧化鋯薄膜沉積 42
4.4.1. 氧化鋯薄膜沉積實驗材料 42
4.4.2. 氧化鋯薄膜沉積實驗步驟 43
4.5. 冷場發射式電子槍測試 44
第五章 實驗結果與討論 46
5.1. 電子光學模擬分析 46
5.1.1. 針尖與陽極的距離影響 47
5.1.2. 針尖與陽極光圈孔徑大小的影響 47
5.1.3. 本實驗設計熱場發射電子槍光學模擬結果 48
5.2. 電解液濃度、電壓對鎢絲針尖形狀的影響 51
5.2.1. I-V,I-T曲線分析 51
5.2.2. 針尖曲率半徑 57
5.3. 焊接結果 75
5.4. Schottky type電子槍針尖氧化鋯沉積 79
5.5. 冷場發射式電子槍針尖出光初步測試 82
第六章 結論 85
文獻參考 87

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