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作者(外文):Lin, Po-Yao
論文名稱(外文):Improved Operation Characteristics in Poly-Ge Channel Charge-Trapping Flash Memory Devices by Low Temperature Formed Tunneling Layer and GAA
指導教授(外文):ChangLiao, Kuei-Shu
口試委員(外文):Chao, Tien-Sheng
Huang, Wen Hsien
外文關鍵詞:Gate-All-AroundPoly-GeCharge-Trapping Flash Memory Devices
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Polycrystalline channel flash memory device has been applied for NAND flash memory devices. How to enhance operating characteristics is important issues. Many approaches have been proposed such as Amorphous-Si crystallization, Gate all around(GAA) structure, polycrystalline germanium(Poly-Ge) and bandgap-engineered dielectrics. In this thesis, operation characteristics of poly-Si GAA device with different charge trapping layers and blocking oxides treatment are studied. Poly-Ge GAA CT flash memory device with low temperature process is also investigated.
The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, the effects of trapping layer composed of ZrOx doped TiO2/Si3N4 stack and Al2O3 blocking layer with N2 plasma treatment on poly-Si GAA charge trapping (CT) flash device are investigated. From the experiment results, the operating speeds of the device with ZrOx doped TiO2/Si3N4 stacked trapping layer are not significantly improved. Moreover, the devices with ZrOx trapping layer doped TiO2 show worse retention characteristic. However, it is found that the samples with ZrOx doped Ti trapping layer show better endurance performance. Furthermore, the results indicate that the retention characteristic of the device is improved by N2 treated Al2O3 blocking layer. Probably the reason is the defect in the blocking layer is fixed/reduced by N2 plasma treatment.
The second part focuses on CT flash device with poly-Ge channel, which has the problems of reliability and interfaces quality. To resolve those issues, the application of lower thermal budget process is of considerable importance. In this section, O2 plasma treatment and Al2O3 tunneling layer deposited at low temperature were adopted to approach the problem. According to experiment results, significant improvement of reliability performance is achieved, but the operating speeds are not changed. The samples with O2 plasma treatment evidence show better reliability performance.
In the last section, operation characteristics of poly-Ge device with Tri-Gate/GAA channel are also studied. Poly-Ge CT flash devices with GAA structure exhibit significantly improved performance with higher program/erase speeds, larger memory window, lower operating voltage, and smaller subthreshold swing. But there are still some disadvantages of the GAA structure, such as poor endurance performance. Because of the electric-field enhanced by corner effect, it may lead tunneling layer damaged much easily during P/E operation. As the O2 plasma treatment was performed on poly-Ge CT flash memory with GAA structure, the reliability performance is significantly improved. However, there is no obvious difference in operating speeds.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 iv
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xviii
第一章 序緒論 1
1.1. 非揮發性記憶體 1
1.1.1. 快閃記憶體元件 1
1.1.2. 浮動閘極式快閃記憶體 2
1.1.3. 電荷捕捉式快閃記憶體 3
1.2. 多晶矽薄膜電晶體 5
1.2.1. 低溫複晶矽結晶方法 6
1.3. 多向式閘極結構與奈米線通道式快閃記憶體元件 7
1.4. 高介電係數材料 8
1.4.1. 能帶工程 9
1.5. 無接面式快閃記憶體元件介紹 10
1.6. 矽化鍺與鍺通道的應用 11
1.7. 各章摘要 14
第二章 快閃記憶體元件的製程與操作方法 21
2.1. 主要製程機台原理介紹 21
2.1.1. 原子層沉積系統 21
2.1.2. 感應耦合型電漿化學氣相沉積系統 23
2.2. 快閃記憶體元件實驗樣品製造流程 24
2.2.1. 傳統平面式快閃記憶體元件 24
2.2.2. 奈米線式通道快閃記憶體元件製程 25
2.2.3. 環繞式閘極通道快閃記憶體元件製程 26
2.3. 快閃記憶體元件基本操作原理 28
2.3.1. 載子穿隧機制 28
2.3.2. 福勒-諾德海姆穿隧(Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling) 29
2.3.3. 直接穿隧 (Direct Tunneling) 30
2.4. 快閃記憶體寫入與抹除方法 31
2.4.1. 通道熱電子注入 31
2.4.2. 福勒-諾德海姆穿隧寫入 32
2.4.3. 福勒-諾德海姆穿隧抹除 32
2.5. 快閃記憶體元件可靠度特性 33
2.5.1. 電荷保持力 (Retention) 33
2.5.2. 耐久力 (Endurance) 34
2.6. 快閃記憶體元件之量測方法 35
2.6.1. 快閃記憶體元件基本特性曲線量測方法 35
2.6.2. 快閃記憶體元件寫入與抹除量測方法 35
2.6.3. 快閃記憶體電荷保持力量測方法 36
2.6.4. 元件耐久力量測方法 36
第三章 介電層堆疊電荷捕捉層對多晶矽奈米線通道快閃記憶體元件特性之影響研究 65
3.1. 研究動機與背景 65
3.2. 實驗樣品製作流程與條件 67
3.3. 實驗結果與討論 69
3.3.1. 元件之汲極電流對閘極電壓特性圖 69
3.3.2. 元件寫入與抹除特性 69
3.3.3. 元件可靠度特性 70
3.4. 本章節之結論 71
第四章 低溫成長堆疊穿隧氧化層於多晶鍺快閃記憶體元件操作特性之影響研究 82
4.1. 研究動機與背景 82
4.2. 實驗樣品製作流程與條件 83
4.3. 結果與討論 85
4.3.1. 元件之汲極電流對閘極電壓特性圖 86
4.3.2. 元件寫入與抹除特性 86
4.3.3. 元件可靠度特性 87
4.4. 結論 88
第五章 環繞式閘極對多晶鍺通道快閃記憶體元件操作特性之影響研究 101
5.1. 研究動機與背景 101
5.2. 實驗樣品製作流程與條件 102
5.3. 結果與討論 105
5.3.1. 元件之汲極電流對閘極電壓特性圖 105
5.3.2. 元件寫入與抹除特性 106
5.3.3. 元件可靠度特性 108
5.4. 結論 110
第六章 總結 123
6.1. 結論 123
6.2. 未來展望 124
參考文獻 126
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