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作者(外文):Cho, Wanying
論文名稱(中文):快速免疫螢光染色暨細胞自組裝排列之二合一晶片應 用於檢測循環腫瘤癌細胞
論文名稱(外文):The Dynamic Staining Self-Assembly Cell Array (DS-SACA) Chip of Rapid Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Fan-Gang
口試委員(外文):Wang, Pen-Cheng
Yang, Chih-Yung
外文關鍵詞:CTCdynamic statingdiagonoseimmunofluorescence
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Tumor Cell, CTC),循環腫瘤癌細胞是指從原生腫瘤或轉移性腫瘤脫離並進入血
測試才是首要關鍵。目前應用於CTC檢測上最流行的技術為唯一通過FDA 認證的
本研究旨在提出具有兩種重要功能之DS-SACA(Dynamic Staining
Self-Assembly Cell Array) 晶片取代離心機,使用新型溫和的染色方式完成免
The progression of cancer metastasis creates great difficulty in its treatment.
Dissemination of cancer occurs by circulating tumor cells (CTC) shed in the vasculature. CTC is one of potential liquid biopsies which may be extremely useful in cancer diagnosis. Studies show the amount of CTC is correlated to overall survival
and disease-free survives.
The CellSearch system which is FDA approved assay for CTC detection is applied in clinical use. However, it is lengthy along with inclusion of centrifugal force
harmful for cell viability. In addition, cells stack up randomly which lead to the difficulty of counting the number of CTCs accurately.
This study aims towards a gentler diagnostic procedure so as not to lose too many CTCs during the sample preparation process and keep the cell’s viability.
Furthermore, cells can form monolayer self-assembly after finishing immunofluorescence staining in order to avoid signal overlapped and to preserve the precious information of clinical morphology. Hence, a DS-SACA (Dynamic Staining Self-Assembly Cell Array) chip was designed in this study to perform gentle
fluorescence-removal process by diffusion-based flow processes on CTCs and white blood cells (WBC) without centrifuging. This lead to a minimum manual handling of CTCs obtained in our study without any contamination. And the cells can form a monolayer for better view.
第一章 緒論......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ............................................................ 1
1.2 研究目標 ............................................................ 6
第二章 文獻回顧..................................................... 8
2.1 細胞篩選方法 ....................................................... 8
2.1.1 CellSearch 系統檢測循環腫瘤細胞 ................................. 8
2.1.2 免疫標定(Immuno-labeling) ..................................... 11
2.1.3 免疫磁球分離法(Immuno-magnetic separation) ..................... 13
2.1.4 免疫捕捉法(Immuno-capture) .................................... 15
2.1.5 免疫標定應用於臨床實驗 ........................................ 17
2.1.6 非免疫標定(Non-immunolabeling) ................................ 17
2.2 細胞自組裝陣列晶片(Self-Assemnly Cell Array Chip) ................. 21
2.2.1 自組裝陣列晶片之平台設計及原理 ................................ 21
2.2.2 平台製成及組裝 ................................................ 24
2.3 快速染色晶片3D-Dialysis chip .................................... 27
2.3.1 染色晶片結構設計 .............................................. 27
2.3.2 動態透析染色 .................................................. 27
2.4 接合 .............................................................. 28
第三章 實驗方法及設計.............................................. 30
3.1 實驗材料準備 ....................................................... 30
3.1.1 細胞培養 ...................................................... 30
3.1.2 器材使用 ...................................................... 32
3.1.3 藥品介紹 ...................................................... 33
3.2 晶片設計 .......................................................... 38
3.2.1 晶片側面三明治夾心結構 ........................................ 38
3.2.2 晶片外觀尺寸 .................................................. 39
3.2.3 晶片各部位計算 ................................................ 39
3.2.4 專利 …………………………………………………………………………….41
3.3 晶片工作原理 ....................................................... 42
3.3.1 動態透析染色 .................................................. 42
3.3.2 流速計算 ...................................................... 43
3.3.3 雷諾數計算 .................................................... 44
3.4 製程設計 .......................................................... 45
3.4.1 第一代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 45
3.4.2 第二代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 47
3.4.3 第三代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 49
3.5 全血檢測步驟設計 .................................................. 51
3.6 細胞經離心機活性及損失率測試 ...................................... 52
3.7 材料螢光測試 ...................................................... 53
3.7.1 PDMS 孔洞狀薄膜螢光測試 ....................................... 53
3.7.2 SU8 孔洞狀薄膜螢光測試 ......................................... 53
3.8 PDMS 薄膜與SU8 薄膜應用於流場測試 .................................. 54
3.9 IRB 癌症病患檢體測試 ............................................... 55
3.9.1 檢體分離及染色流程 ............................................ 55
3.9.2 循環腫瘤細胞 CTC 影像辨識 ..................................... 57
3.10 晶片測試 .......................................................... 58
3.10.1 第二代DS-SACA 晶片 ........................................... 58
3.10.2 第三代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 59
3.10.3 第二代與第三代比較 ............................................ 60
3.10.4 IRB 檢體於DS-SACA 晶片檢測結果 ................................ 60
第四章 實驗結果與討論............................................. 63
4.1 細胞經離心機活性及損失率測試 ....................................... 63
4.2 材料螢光測試 .................................................... 64
4.2.1 PDMS 孔洞狀薄膜螢光測試 ....................................... 64
4.2.2 SU8 孔洞狀薄膜螢光測試 ......................................... 65
4.3 PDMS 薄膜與SU8 薄膜應用於流場測試 .................................. 66
4.4 晶片測試 ........................................................... 67
4.4.1 第二代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 67
4.4.2 第三代DS-SACA 晶片 ............................................ 69
4.4.3 第二代與第三代之比較 .......................................... 70
4.4.4 IRB 檢體檢測結果 ............................................... 70
第五章 結論........................................................ 72
5 .1 後續展望 ........................................................ 72
第六章 參考文獻................................................... 75
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