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作者(外文):Guo, Bing-Ze
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Air Pollutants on the Microbiota on the Human Respiratory Tract
指導教授(外文):Wang, Hsiang-Yu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Hwan You
Wang, Chu-Fang
外文關鍵詞:air pollutionparticulate mattermicrobiotaS.aureusS.epidermidis
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本研究旨在研究顆粒物質與呼吸道微生物族群關係,採用NIST國家標準暨技術研究院所分析出各成份指標樣品做為空氣汙染物樣品,分別將一種人為汙染物(SRM 1633c-Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash)及兩種自然汙染物(SRM 2709-San Joaquin Soil、SRM 2711-Montana II Soil)施予S.aureus和S.epidermidis上,觀測不同濃度汙染物對細菌的影響,並探討細菌間的消長關係。
受汙染物1633c的影響下,當濃度由900 g/m3降至900 μg/m3,對S.aureus的增殖增量百分比從282.5%逐漸降至38.2%;而S.epidermidis在900 g/m3濃度下則衰退75.1%`,但當1633c濃度降低為900 μg/m3,S.epidermidis與控制組相比反而增殖量增加了22.4%。
受汙染物2709的影響下,當濃度由900 g/m3降至900 μg/m3,對S.aureus的增殖增量百分比從2136.8%逐漸降至33.2%;當2709濃度為900 g/m3時,S.epidermidis的生長衰退97.1%,但當濃度為900 mg/m3的影響下,S.epidermidis與控制組相比反而增殖量增加了40.4%。汙染物2711對兩種菌種的影響與2709相似,當濃度由900 g/m3降至900 μg/m3,對S.aureus的增殖增量百分比從2011.1%逐漸降至-13.6%;而當2711濃度為900 g/m3時,S.epidermidis的生長衰退98.0%,但當2711濃度為900 mg/m3的影響下,S.epidermidis增殖增量增加了66.5%。顯示在同為自然汙染物的影響下,兩種菌種對汙染物的反應較為接近。
Air pollution, which can be characterized with a high concentration of Particular Matter (PM), is a major concern in areas of dense human activities because it may cause many respiratory disorders, cardiovascular diseases and even cancers.
The purpose of this research is to study the close relationship between environmental Particular Matter (PM) and microbial population in human nasal cavity. Three sources of PM were studied (SRM 1633c-Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash; SRM 2709-San Joaquin Soil; SRM 2711-Montana II Soil), on two bacterial strains found in human microbiota: Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis.
Results have shown that different PM concentrations have a strong impact on S.aureus and S.epidermis growth or decline.
Under the effect of 1633c pollutant, as the concentration of S.aureus reduces from 900 g/m3 to 900 μg/m3, the percentage of proliferation increasement of S.aureus gradually declines from 282.5% to 38.2%. Moreover, those of S.epidermidis declines to 75.1%. And yet, as the concentration of 1633c reduces to 900 μg/m3 , the percentage of proliferation increasement of S.epidermidis compares with control increases 22.4% instead.
Under the effect of 2709 pollutant, as the concentration of S.aureus reduces from 900 g/m3 to 900 μg/m3 , the percentage of proliferation increasement of S.aureus gradually declines from 2136.8% to 33.2%. When the concentration of 2709 is 900 g/m3 , the growth of S.epidermidis declines 97.1% but when the percentage of proliferation increasement of it, under the effect of 900 mg/m3, compares with control increases 40.4%. The effect of 2711 pollutant is similar to 2709 pollutant. As the concentration reduces from 900 g/m3 to 900 μg/m3, the percentage of proliferation increasement of S.aureus gradually declines from 2011.1% to -13.6%. In addition to, as the concentration of 2711 is 900 g/m3, the growth of S.epidermidis declines 98.0%; however, under the effect of 900 mg/m3 2711, the percentage of proliferation increasement of S.epidermidis increases 66.5%. The results shows under the effect of same natural pollutants, the reaction of two bacteria to pollutants are much similar.
In conclusion, negative correlations were observed between S.aureus and S.epidermidis proliferation increasement under the different pollutant concentrations tested. PM concentrations may strongly affect nasal microbiota. Future research will be focused on spraying these pollutants in air and study their deposition and growth on nasal cavity.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XXIV
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 介紹 1
1.2 實驗目的與規劃 2
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 顆粒物質(Paritculate Matter,PM)介紹 3
2.1.1 PM的來源及分類 4
2.1.2 PM的組成及變因 7
2.1.3 PM與人類疾病關聯 17
2.2 Microbiota影響 20
2.2.1 微生物對人體影響 20
2.2.2 調節微生物族群方法 26
2.2.3 PM對微生物影響 27
2.3 Microbiota 分析方法 34
2.3.1 實驗室規模分析法 34
2.3.2 微流體晶片分析法 35
第3章 實驗方法與材料 38
3.1 微生物培養方法 38
3.1.1 實驗藥品 38
3.1.2 微生物培養液配置 39
3.1.3 實驗操作-細菌培養 40
3.2 汙染物施加方法 40
3.2.1 汙染物濃度 41
3.2.2 實驗操作-細菌與不同汙染物濃度關係 42
3.2.3 實驗操作-微量離子對細菌的影響 46 微量離子溶液配置…………………………………….46 瓊脂擴散法…………………………………………….48
第4章 結果與討論 49
4.1 汙染物濃度與微生物消長之關係 49
4.1.1 汙染物對pH影響 49
4.1.2 SRM 1633c-Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash 52
4.1.3 SRM 2709-San Joaquin Soil 59
4.1.4 SRM 2711-Montana II Soil 65
4.2 不同汙染物種類與微生物消長之關係 71
4.2.1 濃度900 g/m3汙染物 71
4.2.2 濃度900 mg/m3汙染物 73
4.2.3 濃度900 μg/m3 汙染物 75
4.3 微量離子對細菌的影響 76
第5章 未來展望 79
5.1 混菌與受汙染物影響的分析 79
5.1.1 菌液與汙染物配置方法 79
5.1.2 塗盤法觀察細菌數量 80
5.1.3 結果與討論 83
5.2 細菌與汙染物質直接接觸分析 88
5.2.1 實驗操作 88
5.2.2 結果與討論 90
5.3 未來實驗設計 93
5.3.1 Agarose印壓 94
5.3.2 分析方法 99
附錄A 100
A.1實驗方法與材料 100
A.1.1微生物培養方法 100
A.1.2汙染物施加方法 101
A.1.3實驗操作 104
A.2 結果與討論-微生物與汙染物消長關係 106
A.2.1高濃度汙染物 106
A.2.2低濃度汙染物 134
A.2.3總結 161
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