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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Dissolved Hydrogen on the SCC initiation of Stainless steel and Ni-based Alloy in Simulated PWR primary water Environments
口試委員(外文):Wang, Mei-Ya
FONG, Ke-Lin
Huang, Jyun Yuan
外文關鍵詞:SCCPWRStainless SteelNi Alloy
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隨著核電廠運轉時間的增加,在輕水式反應器(Light Water Reactor, LWR)漸發現有應
力腐蝕龜裂(Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking, IGSCC)的問題。針對溶氫濃度對於
不鏽鋼316、鎳基合金 600 與 X750,組件材料在壓水式反應器的水化學環境下,調整不
同溶氫濃度(0、0.45、2.58 ppm),對於防治應力腐蝕劣化效益的測試評估。腐蝕行為
研究以 U-bend 應力腐蝕試驗進行。試片測試後採用 SEM 觀察材料的表面,觀察表面
產生 crack 的分布情形及其裂縫長度、數目等。
結果顯示,DH 0 ppm 下之316 不鏽鋼經敏化處理後腐蝕較為嚴重,表面有較常與
較多之裂縫,氫氣的注入後對於316 不鏽鋼與鎳基600 合金之裂縫總數變化有降低的作
用,但整體而言對X750 而言數目影響不明顯。
As the operation time of nuclear power plants increases, the phenomenon of Intergranular
Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) is readily found in Light Water Reactor (LWR). Further
research is needed for the benefits of dissolved hydrogen concentration on component
corrosion prevention. The deterioration of components not only affects the safety of operation
but also costs. In Taiwan, Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant contains two units of Pressurized
Water Reactors (PWRs). For the structural components, the stainless steel and nickel-based
alloys are mainly used.
This experiment aimed to investigate the stress corrosion cracking behavior of different
heat-treated nickel-based alloys and stainless-steel materials, and to discuss their corrosion
behavior under the simulated environment of primary water of a pressurized water reactor.
Corrosion behavior studies were conducted by using the U-bend stress corrosion test under
different dissolved hydrogen concentration (0, 0.45, 2.58 ppm). After the test piece was tested,
the surface of the material was observed by SEM, and the distribution of cracks on the surface
and the length and number of cracks were observed.
The results showed that the sensitized 316 stainless steel tested at DH 0 ppm suffered the
most severe corrosion attack, and there were more and longer cracks on it. After the injection
of hydrogen, the trend of the total number of cracks for 316 stainless steel and nickel-based
600 alloy were changed. However, the effect of hydrogen injection on X750 series was
relatively insignificant.
摘要 .......................................................................................................................................................................... I
目錄 ......................................................................................................................................................................... V
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................................................................ VIII
表目錄 ................................................................................................................................................................... XI
第1 章 緒論 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1. 前言 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2. 研究動機 ............................................................................................................................................. 13
第2 章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.1. 不鏽鋼與鎳基合金之冶金特性 ......................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1. 敏感性材料 .................................................................................................................................... 16
316 不鏽鋼 ............................................................................................................................................ 16
鎳基600 合金 ....................................................................................................................................... 18
鎳基X750 超合金 ................................................................................................................................ 20
2.2. 應力腐蝕龜裂 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.1. 壓水式反應器一次側水化學 ........................................................................................................ 21
2.2.2. 應力腐蝕龜裂之階段 .................................................................................................................... 22
2.2.3. 溫度的影響 .................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.4. 酸鹼度與溶氫量/電位的影響 ....................................................................................................... 27
2.2.5. 合金元素的影響 ............................................................................................................................ 30
2.2.6. 冷加工的影響 ................................................................................................................................ 34
2.2.7. 材料微結構的影響 ........................................................................................................................ 37
2.2.8. 劣化機制 ........................................................................................................................................ 44
化學活路(Active path) ................................................................................................................... 44
滑移溶解機制(Slip-Dissolution) ..................................................................................................... 44
促進表面遷移理論 (Enhanced Surface Mobility Theory) .................................................................. 45
氫脆(Hydrogen embrittlement) ....................................................................................................... 47
第3 章 實驗設備及步驟 ................................................................................................................................. 49
3.1. 實驗方法及流程 ................................................................................................................................. 49
3.2. 實驗試片設計與備制 ......................................................................................................................... 51
3.3. 實驗設備 ............................................................................................................................................. 53
3.3.1. U-bend 之夾具與製具 ................................................................................................................... 53
3.3.2. 高溫高壓模擬壓水反應器一次側水循環 .................................................................................... 54
3.4. 實驗分析方法與工具 ......................................................................................................................... 56
3.4.1. 敏化程度測試-雙環電位再活化法(DLEPR) ................................................................................ 56
3.4.2. 表面分析-光學顯微鏡(OM)、掃描試電子顯微鏡(SEM) ............................................................ 58
3.4.3. 連圖影像之定量分析 .................................................................................................................... 60
3.4.4. 成份分析-能量分散式光譜儀(EDS)、輝光放電分光儀(GDS)、碳硫分析儀 ........................... 61
第4 章 結果與討論 ......................................................................................................................................... 62
4.1. 敏化程度測試程度結果 ..................................................................................................................... 62
4.2. 材料之金相觀察 ................................................................................................................................. 63
4.3. 不同材料之表面形貌 ......................................................................................................................... 65
4.3.1. SS 316 不鏽鋼 ................................................................................................................................ 66
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 68
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 69
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 71
4.3.2. 鎳基600 合金 ................................................................................................................................ 73
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 73
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 75
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 76
4.3.3. 鎳基X750 合金 .............................................................................................................................. 77
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 78
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 80
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 81
4.4. 裂縫之定量分析 ................................................................................................................................. 83
4.4.1. SS 316 ............................................................................................................................................. 83
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 83
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 84
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 85
不同熱處理之SS 316 在不同溶氫濃度下之裂縫總數比較 ............................................................. 86
4.4.2. Alloy 600 ......................................................................................................................................... 87
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 87
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 88
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 89
不同熱處理之Alloy 600 在不同溶氫濃度下之裂縫總數比較 ......................................................... 90
4.4.3. X750 ................................................................................................................................................ 91
DH 0 ppm .............................................................................................................................................. 91
DH 0.45 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 92
DH 2.68 ppm ......................................................................................................................................... 93
不同熱處理之X750 在不同溶氫濃度下之裂縫總數比較 ................................................................ 94
第5 章 結論 ..................................................................................................................................................... 95
參考資料 ................................................................................................................................................................ 96
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1. 壓水式反應器一次側冷卻水質中氫氣濃度與溫度效應對不銹鋼與鎳基合金之應力腐蝕龜裂起始研究
2. 利用成長於碳布的奈米碳管為載體之直接甲醇燃料電池鉑與鉑釕觸媒之電化學及結構特性分析
3. 直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒在不同製備條件的特性分析
4. 沸水式反應器於加氫水化學狀態下實施催化性與抑制性被覆之防蝕效益研究
5. 應用在燃料電池的甲醇濃度感測方法研究
6. 動態氧化鋯被覆處理之敏化304不□鋼於高溫純水環境之沿晶應力腐蝕裂縫成長速率研究
7. 硫酸溶液中過氧化氫濃度監測電極之開發研究
8. 氧化鋯被覆與不同304不□鋼氧化膜對於溶氫與溶氧在模擬沸水式反應器環境中的電化學特性影響研究
9. 不同醇類添加應用於直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒製備後之電池效能差異
10. 氧化鋯抑制性被覆及氧化鋅處理之敏化304不□鋼在高溫純水環境中的電化學行為研究
11. 利用奈米碳管與鉑釕化學沉積法製備直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒
12. 改善電鍍技術製備以奈米碳管為載體之直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒層
13. 印刷電路板銅蝕刻製程之均勻化改進研究-水坑效應排除與非等向性提昇
14. 不同加鋅處理條件之敏化304不□鋼在模擬沸水式反應器環境中的電化學特性研究
15. 高溫純水中82合金與304低碳不□鋼異材銲件之應力腐蝕研究
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