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作者(外文):Tyagi, Dhruv
論文名稱(外文):Polarization Controlled Directional Control of Surface Plasmon Polaritons
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chen-Bin
口試委員(外文):Lu, Tien-Chang
Wu, Pin-Chieh
Chen, Kuo-Ping
Liu, Chang-Hua
外文關鍵詞:PlasmonicsOpticsCoherence Control
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  • 點閱點閱:259
  • 評分評分:*****
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Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are electromagnetic excitations whose propagation is confined along the interface of a metal and a dielectric as a result of electromagnetic fields coupled to oscillating electrons. SPPs exhibit unique optical properties in metallic nanostructures which has opened up the possibilities of their applications in many fields such as bio-sensing, photovoltaics, near-field microscopy, integrated optics and sub wavelength optical manipulators. Directional steering of light using plasmonic structures is desirable for next-generation optical nano circuits. Metallic nanostructures support surface plasmon polariton (SPP) propagation under optical excitations at sub-wavelength regimes. SPPs can be launched by coupling free space light into SPP modes using a variety of techniques such as by using prisms and gratings. For efficient manipulation and launch of SPPs metasurfaces with nanostructures in a metal film such as a subwavelength slits and apertures has been demonstrated in past. Directional control over the beam propagation has the potential to enable the development of various highly efficient nanodevices such as plasmonic transmitters, receivers and sensors. Both solid and etched structures have been investigated in the past for achieving unidirectional plasmonic routing. But, very few successful attempts have been made in obtaining polarization sensitive unidirectional routing with more than one directions in a single device. To control the propagation direction of the SPPs, the primary and thus the most important aspect is the ability to control the spatial and temporal phases. To achieve this, metasurfaces can be used since the subwavelength components in a metasurface can be optimized for the enabling polarization dependent field enhancements in the aspired direction. The interference effects between two coupled SPP launch sources can be used for achieving unidirectionality for an orthogonal polarization. An assembly of these components placed at strategic locations can provide with the functionality for direction the SPP launch in the direction of choice based on the polarization of the exciting source. However, controlling the SPP launch in all the directions still remains challenging. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate a functional plasmonic metasurface designed to achieve multi-directional SPP steering. Depending on the polarization of the exciting light source, SPPs can be directed to at least seven unidirectional states and one split state. We also numerically demonstrate a nanoscopic etched triangle array for routing SPPs to three independent directions. The work presented here opens a new avenue for realization of of next-generation optical nanocircuits.
Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1: Introduction- 1
1.1. Nano-scaled optics- 1
1.2. Surface plasmons- 2
1.3. Metamaterials and Metasurface- 3
1.4. Metasurfaces for plasmonic field control- 4
1.5. Use of Babinet inverted nanoantennas- 6
2. Chapter 2: Surface Plasmon Polaritons- 8
2.1. Definition- 8
2.2. SPP: length scales- 8
2.3. SPP: dispersion relation- 11
2.4. SPP: wavelength- 13
2.5. SPP: propagation length- 14
2.6. SPP: penetration depth- 14
3. Chapter 3: Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons- 16
3.1. Using a dielectric prism- 17
3.1.1. Kretschmann configuration- 17
3.1.2. Otto configuration- 18
3.2. Using diffraction and scattering elements- 19
4. Chapter 4: Plasmonic field control by nanostructures- 20
4.1. Theoretical literature- 20
4.2. Experimental literature- 22
5. Chapter 5: Unidirectional Steering by Babinet inverted Optical Slots- 30
5.1. Transmission through rectangular holes- 30
5.1.1. Single optical slot- 30
5.1.2. Two adjacent slots- 32
5.2. Directional coupling by two asymmetric adjacent slots- 33
5.2.1. SPP launch intensities- 34
5.2.2. Phase conditions- 35
5.2.3. Working principle for unidirectionality - 35
6. Chapter 6: Polarization Controlled Three-Directional Routing of SPPs- 37
6.1. Tri-directional SPP overview- 37
6.2. Excitation setup- 39
6.3. Working principle for a single particle- 40
6.4. Array structure- 42
7. Chapter 7: Multidirectional steering by Babinet Inverted Metasurface- 45
7.1. Design- 46
7.2. Working principle- 46
7.2.1. Resonance conditions and OABIAEs dimensions- 46
7.2.2. Phase calculations- 48
7.3. Simulation method- 51
7.4. Materials and sample fabrication- 52
5. Experimental setup- 52
7.6. Results and discussions- 53
7.6.1. E-field intensity H fields- 53
7.6.2. H-fields- 55
7.6.3. E-field profile- 56
7.6.4. Experimental images- 57
7.6.5. Extinction ratio-
7.6.6. SPP excitation efficiency calculations- 59
6.7. Steering curve- 60
8. Chapter 8: Conclusions- 63
9. References- 65


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