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作者(外文):LAI, Pang-Ti
論文名稱(外文):A study on the effects of the extrusion process on the size distribution of emulsified particles and the intranasal delivery of vaccine
指導教授(外文):Huang, Ming-Hsi
Wu, Suh-Chin
口試委員(外文):Liu, Shih-Jen
Lin, Yung-Sheng
外文關鍵詞:emulsionvaccine adjuvantintranasal delivery of vaccinevaccine吳夙欽 博士(Suh-Chin Wu
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鼻腔途徑接種疫苗的優點,在於能同時誘發黏膜與全身部位之抗原專一 性免疫反應,藉此提供呼吸道對抗病原感染的能力。然而,由於黏膜屏障和免疫 耐受性等因素,使得給予抗原於黏膜時,僅能誘發出微乎其微的免疫反應,無法 達到保護效果。為了增強疫苗的臨床功效,我們希望能夠藉由乳液佐劑的使用, 透過黏膜免疫系統的辨認而產生廣效免疫反應。於此,我們針對:乳液顆粒尺寸、 核心油脂以及接種途徑的選擇,開啟了作用機制的探討。首先,我們勘測乳液顆 粒尺寸,是否能夠影響小鼠的抗原專一性免疫反應,而奈米級乳液顆粒,能藉由 通過擠壓器薄膜製備;其二,我們比較乳液的核心油脂(角鯊烷、角鯊烯)的差 異,能否影響免疫反應;其三,我們研究,經不同給予途徑所誘發之免疫反應。 於小鼠實驗選用卵白蛋白作為模擬抗原,以鼻腔給予途徑接種抗原或佐以候選佐 劑之抗原。結果顯示,當小鼠接種佐以角鯊烷次微米乳液之抗原,於脾臟細胞分 泌上清液中,能測得濃度較高之 IFN-𝛾、IL-4、IL-5 與 IL-17,另一方面,當小鼠 接種,佐以角鯊烯奈米乳液之抗原,於血清中,能測得較高力價之 IgG1 與 IgG2c; 於鼻腔沖洗液中,能測得較高力價之 IgA。這些結果指出,次微米乳液較能夠誘 發細胞免疫反應,反之,奈米乳液則較能夠誘發體液免疫反應。相較於肌肉注射, 鼻腔給予更適用奈米乳液來誘發免疫反應。最終,組織切片數據顯示此類乳液並 不會在接種部位造成傷害。本研究將揭示,選擇含乳液佐劑疫苗之最佳接種途徑 方面的應用潛力。
Intranasal (i.n.) vaccination provides major respiratory route defections in the form of both antigen-specific mucosal and systemic immunity against pathogen infection; however, antigen applied to mucosal membrane generally induces miniscule immune responses owing to the mucosal membrane barriers and immune tolerance. Toward that goal, it is therefore required the aid of a potent mucosal adjuvant with high safety and efficacy for antigen recognition by mucosal immune systems and generating broad- spectrum immune responses. Here we launch a mechanistic study on how particle size, core oil as well as the administration route, on mucosal immunity. First of all, we investigated whether the size matter can affect the antigen-specific immune response in mice. The dimensions of emulsions could be processed to nanoscale by passing through the extruder membrane. Second, we compared the immune response elicited by squalane- cored emulsion with those induced by squalene-cored emulsion. Third, we studied the immune responses following intramuscular and intranasal vaccinations. Mice were vaccinated intranasally or intramuscularly with a model antigen ovalbumin (OVA), alone or formulate with candidate adjuvants. The data demonstrated that significantly elevated levels of IFN-𝛾, IL-4, IL-5, IL-17 secretion were detected in splenocyte supernatants collected from mice treated with squalane-formulated emulsions at submicron scale. On the other hand, mice treated with squalene-formulated nanoemulsions increased OVA- specific IgG1, IgG2c titers in sera and IgA titers in nasal washes. These results indicated that emulsified particles at submicron scale are better able than the ones at nanoscale to enhance cell-mediated immune response. By contrast, those at nano scale showed a high potential to induce antibody responses. Such studies are indicated that intranasal vaccination is the optimal route for inducing immune response, while intramuscular vaccination is less suitable for this purpose. Finally, histological examination indicated that these emulsions do not cause tissue damage at immunization site. These results suggest the potential application of adjuvanted vaccines in optimizing alternative vaccination routes.
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................................... i Abstract............................................................................................................................ ii 致謝 ................................................................................................................................... iii
目錄................................................................................................................................... iv 圖目次 ............................................................................................................................. vii 表目次 ............................................................................................................................... x
第 1 章 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究動機................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 現今概況................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 黏膜免疫 ........................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 黏膜佐劑 ........................................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 乳液佐劑 ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2.4 粒徑尺寸對黏膜免疫之影響 .......................................................................... 9 1.2.5 PELA................................................................................................................ 10 1.2.6 設計理念 ......................................................................................................... 11
1.3 研究目的................................................................................................................. 12 第 2 章 材料與方法.................................................................................................... 13
2.1 材料 ......................................................................................................................... 13 iv

2.1.1 化學性實驗藥品 ............................................................................................. 13
2.1.2 生物性實驗藥品 ............................................................................................. 14 2.1.3 實驗器具.............................................................................................................. 16 2.1.4 實驗儀器 ......................................................................................................... 18 2.1.5 實驗動物 ......................................................................................................... 19 2.2 方法 ......................................................................................................................... 20 2.2.1 反應物的純化 ................................................................................................. 20 2.2.2 合成 PEG-b-PLA ............................................................................................ 21 2.2.2 PEG-b-PLA 鑑定............................................................................................. 23 2.2.3 乳液的製備 ..................................................................................................... 24 2.2.4 乳液之性質 ..................................................................................................... 25 2.2.5 不同乳液搭配卵白蛋白所誘發之免疫反應 ............................................... 26 2.2.6 不同接種配方對於接種部位之組織切片與染色 ....................................... 36
第 3 章 結果與討論.................................................................................................... 37 3.1 高分子型乳化劑 PEG-b-PLA 之合成.................................................................. 37 3.2 PEG-b-PLA 鑑定.................................................................................................... 38 3.3 乳液的製備............................................................................................................. 42 3.4 乳液之性質............................................................................................................. 43 3.5 不同乳液搭配卵白蛋白所誘發之免疫反應評估............................................... 46
3.6 不同接種配方對於接種部位之安全性評估....................................................... 59 第 4 章 結論 .................................................................................................................. 61 第 5 章 參考文獻......................................................................................................... 62
附錄.................................................................................................................................. 71 A.1 不同乳液搭配卵白蛋白所誘發之免疫反應...................................................... 71 A.2 不同接種配方對於接種部位之組織切片與染色.............................................. 73 A.3 不同乳液搭配卵白蛋白所誘發之免疫反應評估 ............................................. 74 A.4 不同接種配方對於接種部位之安全性評估...................................................... 86
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