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作者(外文):Chen, Fang-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):The study of casein kinase I alpha-mediated lifespan regulation in Drosophila
指導教授(外文):Wang, Horng-Dar
口試委員(外文):Chan, Chih-Chiang
Wang, Pei-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Casein kinase I alphaDrosophilaLifespanStress
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Casein kinase I alpha (CKIα) is involved in multiple biological processes including development and circadian rhythm via different pathways such as TOR and autophagy. However, whether CKIα can regulate lifespan and its molecular mechanism are unknown. Here, we reported that CKIα mutant flies display extended lifespan and longevity related phenotypes like smaller larval length, reduced fecundity, and starvation resistance. To identify the target tissue that CKIα regulates lifespan, we found that the RNAi knockdown of CKIα in whole body, neuron, and fat body can extend lifespan. On the other hand, ubiquitous overexpression of CKIα shortens lifespan. Furthermore, CKIα longevity mutants exhibit lowered TOR signaling with reduced levels of p-S6K and p-AKT, and elevated autophagy activity with increased LC3-II levels. Moreover, pharmacological inhibiting TOR by treating rapamycin indicates that CKIα longevity mutants do not show further lifespan enhancement, suggesting that CKIα regulates lifespan possibly via TOR signaling. Together, our finding provides new insights into how CKIα regulates lifespan in Drosophila.
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... i
中文摘要........................................................................................................................ ii
致謝............................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Content ........................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
Materials and methods ................................................................................................ 6
Fly culture and fly strains ................................................................................... 6
Lifespan assay....................................................................................................... 6
Lifespan assay under geneswitch system ........................................................... 6
Lifespan assay under rapamycin treatment ...................................................... 7
Starvation assay ................................................................................................... 7
Oxidative stress assay .......................................................................................... 7
Pupation assay ...................................................................................................... 8
Egg laying assay ................................................................................................... 8
Larval collection and larval length measuring assay........................................ 8
Climbing assay ..................................................................................................... 8
Immunoblotting.................................................................................................... 9
RNA extraction and Reverse transcription ..................................................... 10
Results ......................................................................................................................... 11
The CKIα Drosophila mutants exhibited extended lifespan........................... 11
CKIα mutant lines displayed several longevity related phenotypes .............. 12
CKIα mutant lines showed enhanced anti-starvation ability but only one allele exhibited anti-oxidative stress ability ..................................................... 12
CKIα mutant lines did not show improved climbing decline upon aging ..... 13
Reduced TOR signaling was detected in the CKIα longevity mutants ......... 13
Elevated autophagy activity was detected in CKIα longevity mutants ......... 13
Rapamycin treatment does not further enhance the extended lifespan in CKIα heterozygous mutants .............................................................................. 14
Ubiquitous knockdown of CKIα can prolong lifespan in Drosophila ............ 14
Ubiquitous knockdown of CKIα in adulthood shortens lifespan in Drosophila ........................................................................................................... 15
Knockdown of CKIα in neuron by elav-Gal4 and Tdc-Gal4 can prolong lifespan in Drosophila ........................................................................................ 15
Knockdown of CKIα in fat body can prolong lifespan in Drosophila ........... 16
Knockdown of CKIα in germline cannot prolong lifespan in Drosophila ..... 16
Reduced TOR and elevated autophagy activity were detected in the CKIα
RNAi lines by da-Gal4, elav-Gal4, and Tdc-Gal4 ............................................ 17
Anti-starvation ability was not detected in CKIα RNAi lines ........................ 17
CKIα knockdown induces autophagy activity which might involve in lifespan regulation .............................................................................................. 17
Ubiquitous overexpression of CKIα shortens lifespan in Drosophila ............ 18
Discussion.................................................................................................................... 19
Figures ......................................................................................................................... 22
Tables ........................................................................................................................... 56
Supplementary ........................................................................................................... 68
References ................................................................................................................... 69
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