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作者(外文):Tsai, Hsin-Lung
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of air-liquid interface culture systems using silk fibroin films
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hwan-You
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chien-Wen
Chen, Ying-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:silk fibroindegummingcell growthtensile strengthair-liquid interface culturebacterial invasion
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細胞層片培養技術已被廣泛應用於修補各種器官創傷,例如在眼睛、心臟、膀胱和腎臟等。然而,由於單層細胞過於脆弱,不易於夾取和放置於受傷區域,因此,一個強韌和易於操作的基底是非常需要的。在本篇研究中,我們使用絲質蛋白作為生物材料,因為它擁有很強的機械性質和生物相容性。而絲質蛋白可經由蠶絲脫除絲膠處理取得。本論文首先決定哪種脫膠方式和絲質蛋白濃度可以有較好的細胞生長和抗拉強度。考量到細胞生長、抗拉強度、操作方便性和成本,以3 mg/mL的絲質蛋白濃度作為後續實驗的操作濃度。其次,為了增加細胞在絲質蛋白膜上的貼附能力,我們將膠原蛋白覆蓋於膜上,結果顯示含有膠原蛋白的絲質膜可促進細胞存活率。接著,我們將這層絲質蛋白膜應用於建立空氣-液體介面之細胞培養系統。這個系統可以讓細胞頂端暴露在空氣中而養分則從細胞的底部獲得,用以模擬體內上皮層的真實結構和功能。我們比較細胞分別在浸潤的培養基和空氣-液體介面培養之下,發現緊密連接蛋白(ZO-1)和絨毛蛋白(villin)在細胞內的位置無顯著差異。最後,為了證明此種利用絲質蛋白膜建立的空氣-液體介面培養方式有其可用性,我們將其應用於觀察綠膿桿菌PAO1侵入大腸癌細胞C2BBe1的情形。透過共軛焦顯微鏡的圖顯示出清楚的細菌和細胞之相對應關係。總結上述,絲質蛋白膜不僅可以當作強韌的細胞層片基底,還可以應用於建立空氣-液體介面的細胞培養系統。
Cell sheet technology has been widely applied to treat damaged organs such as the eyes, heart, bladder, and kidney. However, cell sheets are generally fragile and are difficult to handle and attach to damaged sites. Therefore, a robust and easy-to-hold substratum is required for generating cell sheets. In this study, we utilized silk fibroin as a biomaterial owing to its mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Fibroin is a water insoluble protein which can be extracted from silk fibers by degumming processes. This study first determined the suitable degumming method and fibroin concentration to provide the better cell growth and the higher tensile strength. The results showed that 3 mg/mL fibroin derived from high temperature water degumming is the ideal concentration for the following experiments in consideration of cell growth, tensile strength, handling problem, and cost. Secondly, to improve cell adhesion on fibroin films, we coated the fibroin films with collagen. The coating process yielded higher cell viability than non-coating films. Thirdly, we applied the fibroin film to develop air-liquid interface (ALI) culture, where cells are exposed directly to the air apically with nutrients supplied basally. Cells grown in ALI culture resemble the real structures and functions in the epithelium of our bodies. The results showed that the localization of zonula occludens-1 and villin had no significant difference between ALI culture and submerged culture. Finally, to demonstrate the usability of the fibroin film-based ALI culture, we used it as a bacterial invasion model by infecting C2BBe1 cell sheet with Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. The confocal images showed clear interactions between cells and bacteria. To conclude, silk fibroin films can not only serve as a strong basis for cell sheet but also be applied to develop ALI culture.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
Acknowledgement III
Abbreviations IV
Table of contents VI
List of tables VIII
List of figures IX
List of appendixes XI
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and methods 6
2.1 Preparation of fibroin films 6
2.1.1 Degumming of silk 6
2.1.2 Dialysis of fibroin solution 6
2.1.3 Measurement of fibroin concentration 7
2.1.4 Formation of fibroin films 7
2.2 Cell culture 8
2.2.1 Maintenance of cells 8
2.2.2 Subculture of C2BBe1 cells 8
2.3 alamarBlue assay for quantification of cell viability 8
2.3.1 Preparation of cells seeded on two different degummed fibroin films 8
2.3.2 Preparation of cells seeded on collagen-coated fibroin films 9
2.3.3 alamarBlue assay 9
2.4 Live/dead cell viability assay 10
2.5 Tensile test of fibroin films 10
2.6 Establishment of ALI culture using fibroin films 11
2.6.1 Using a floating material 11
2.6.2 Using a hollow support cylinder 11
2.6.3 Using a semi-solid material 11
2.6.4 Using a porous material 11
2.7 Immunofluorescence staining 12
2.8 RNA extraction and RT-PCR 13
2.9 Bacterial strain and culture 14
2.10 Infection of cultured C2BBe1 cells with P. aeruginosa PAO1 14
2.11 Statistical analyses 14
3. Results 15
3.1 Different transparency of fibroin films formed from using high temperature water degumming method and boiling sodium carbonate solution degumming method 15
3.2 Growth of C2BBe1 cells on films formed using different concentrations of fibroin derived from boiling sodium carbonate solution degumming and high temperature water degumming 15
3.3 Tensile test of different concentrations of fibroin films 16
3.4 Improvement of cell adhesion to fibroin films by coating with collagen 17
3.5 Comparison of four different ALI culture systems 18
3.6 Comparison of the established ALI culture with commercial transwells 19
3.7 Immunofluorescence staining of tight junction protein ZO-1 in C2BBe1 cells cultured in the submerged condition and the ALI condition 20
3.8 Immunofluorescence staining of villin in C2BBe1 cells cultured in the
submerged condition and the ALI condition 20
3.9 Comparison of mRNA expression of ZO-1 and villin in C2BBe1 cells cultured in the submerged condition and the ALI condition 21
3.10 Effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 strain invasion on C2BBe1 cells 21
4. Discussion 23
5. References 28
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1. 利用新式三維細胞培養系統研究癌症與組織工程中異種細胞間交互作用
2. 治療性anti-IgE單株抗體藥物在體外重組模式及體內基因轉殖鼠之藥理作用機制
3. 建構並鑑定創傷弧菌調控子LytR的突變株
4. 創傷弧菌YJ016中調控環狀雙鳥嘌呤單磷酸相關的 vva0325-36基因群功能分析
5. DTriP-22抑制腸病毒71型之機制探討
6. 細菌基因表現之調控: HptB磷酸根轉移系統與三磷酸腺苷水解功能必須之轉錄蛋白AcoK之功能分析
7. 比較分析綠膿桿菌兩個尿嘧啶雙磷酸葡萄糖去氫酶
8. 標的表現IgE的B淋巴細胞以調控IgE之生成
9. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單體蛋白MrkA—線毛組裝有關區域之搜尋以及於呈現系統發展之應用
10. 綠膿桿菌HptB訊息傳遞路徑-雜合感應子之分析及下游基因之搜尋
11. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌磷酸酪胺酸激酶KpWzc對其下游酵素ManC, Gnd活性影響之分析與Ugd磷酸酪胺酸殘基鑑定與下游受質之搜尋
12. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單元體MrkA─參與線毛堆疊之重要胺基酸分析以及線毛的疫苗呈現系統之建構
13. Histidine-containing Phosphotransfer Protein-B (HptB) Regulates Swarming Motility through Partner-switching System in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 strain
14. 利用磁性粒子與光敏性水膠建構特殊細胞排列的組織
15. 創傷弧菌外毒素RtxA 高量甘氨酸-天門冬氨酸區域人源單鏈抗體之篩選以及此區域的細胞表面結合特性之研究
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