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作者(外文):Song, Edward
論文名稱(外文):Improving Inter-Rater Reliability in InfoQ Assessment Using Contextual Questions
指導教授(外文):Shmueli, Galit
口試委員(外文):Ray, Soumya
Hsu, Pei-Fang
外文關鍵詞:InfoQinformation qualityInter-Rater Reliabilitycontextual questionsquestionnaire
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資訊品質(InfoQ)被定義為「一個資料集透過所給予的資料分析方法,所能達到特定(科學上的或是實務上的)目標的潛力 」(Kenett & Shmueli, 2014)。資料品質與分析的情境有著密不可分的關係,而資料品質有四個重要的元素分別為:資料、 目標、資料分析方法與效用。為了將資料品質操作化,在資料品質的四個元素之上有八個向度。「向度評分量表」是一個透過五分量尺評量研究報告在資訊品質八個向度的表現。雖然「向度評分量表」是一個直觀的報告評量方式,但先前的研究指出評量者用此量表評量研究報告的過程中,有彼此給分不一致的狀況(低施測者堅信度),而這樣的問題需要被妥善處理。本研究的目的是透過我們所設計的「情境化問卷」來解決在使用資料品質做在研究報告的評估時發生的低施測者間信度的問題。情境化問卷是由用來評量個向度的情境化問題所構成。本研究所設計的情境化問卷是專門用於衡量時間序列預測類型的報告。
本研究所進行的實驗為受測者內實驗,我們邀請有時間序列相關知識的受測者用我們給予的量表來評量一份時間序列預測的報告。這份量表的第一部份為「向度評分量表」,下一個部分則是新的「情境化問題」。在分析的部分,為了要驗證情境化問卷是否有效解決低施測者堅信度的問題,我們運用拔靴法 (bootstrap)進行變異數分析。雖然情境化資訊品質分數並不足以提升施測者間信度,但我們從對單一向度及其情境化問題所做的分析中發現重要的洞見。最後,我們將對我們的發現與挑戰進行討論,並提出可以改進情境化問題的方法,供後續的研究做參考。
The concept of Information Quality (InfoQ) is defined as the potential of a dataset to achieve a specific (scientific or practical) goal using a given data analysis method. InfoQ lies within the context of data, goal, analysis methods, and utility, and is tightly coupled with the analysis context (Kenett & Shmueli, 2014). On top of the four components of InfoQ, there are eight dimensions that help operationalize the InfoQ concept. Dimensional score matrix is a way to evaluate a study using a 1–5 scale to score each of the eight InfoQ dimensions. Although dimensional score matrix is a streamlined approach for study evaluation, previous studies have found high variability in respondents’ ratings of the InfoQ dimensions (low inter-rater reliability).
In this study, we aim to address the issue of low inter-rater reliability in InfoQ evaluation by developing a contextualized questionnaire, which is a set of contextualized questions for each of the eight InfoQ dimensions. The contextualized questionnaire we designed is for the context of time series forecasting study evaluation. We then conduct a within-subjects experiment, where we ask respondents with time-series related knowledge to evaluate a forecasting study using a rating-based questionnaire. The questionnaire first uses the InfoQ dimensional score matrix followed by the new contextualized questions. We examine whether the contextualized questionnaire improves inter-rater reliability by conducting variance analysis of the InfoQ scores using bootstrapping. Although the contextualized InfoQ score does not sufficiently improve inter-rater reliability, our analysis of the individual dimensions and contextualized questions reveal important insights. We discuss the findings and challenges, and suggest how to improve the contextualized questionnaire in future research.
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
CH 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 3
Chapter 2 Introduction to Information Quality 5
2.1 What is quality 5
2.1.1 Data quality 6
2.2 What is information quality (InfoQ) 7
2.2.1 Definition of InfoQ 7
2.2.2 Goal (g) 8
2.2.3 Data (X) 9
2.2.4 Analysis (f) 10
2.2.5 Utility (U) 10
2.3 Quality of InfoQ components 11
2.3.1 Quality of Goal 11
2.3.2 Quality of Data 12
2.3.3 Quality of Analysis 12
2.3.4 Quality of Utility 12
2.4 Information Quality in other fields 13
2.4.1 Information Quality (IQ) in MIS 13
2.4.2 Information Quality in Quality of Electronic Services 14
2.5 Eight dimensions of InfoQ 14
2.6 Ways for InfoQ assessment 17
2.6.1 InfoQ checklist analysis 17
2.6.2 InfoQ rating-based approach 19
2.6.3 InfoQ dimensional score matrix 20
2.7 Case study: iChef customer forecasting project 23
CH 3 Designing a Contextual Questionnaire 27
3.1 Double Diamond Design Process 27
3.2 Discover the problem 28
3.2.1 Discover the problem with shadowing 31
3.2.2 Discover the problem with interviewing 32
3.3 Develop contextual questions 33
3.3.1 Development of a contextualized questionnaire 33
3.4 Deliver the contextualized questions 41
CH 4 Experimental Design 43
4.1 Research Question 43
4.2 Study Design 43
4.2.1 Object of InfoQ evaluation 44
4.2.2 Experiment Subjects 45
4.2.3 Within-Subjects Design 46
4.2.4 Experiment Framework 47
4.3 Experiment Process 48
4.3.1 SignUp Process 49
4.3.2 Questionnaire structure 50
CH 5 Analysis and Results 58
5.1 Data collection and preparation 58
5.1.1 Data Preparation 59
5.2 Computing InfoQ Scores 60
5.2.1 InfoQ scores of dimensional score matrix 60
5.2.2 InfoQ score of contextual questions 61
5.3 Data Analysis Method 62
5.3.1 IRR analysis 62
5.3.2 Bootstrapping 63
5.4 Results 65
5.4.1 InfoQ score analysis 68
5.4.2 InfoQ score analysis, by dimension 69
5.4.3 Contextualize InfoQ questions analysis 72
5.5 Summary 76
CH 6 Discussion and Future work 78
6.1 Discussion 78
6.2 Limitations of the research 79
6.3 Future Work 80
6.3.1 More interactive interface 80
6.3.2 Generalize to other fields 81
6.4 Conclusion 81
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