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作者(外文):Cheng, An-Li
論文名稱(中文):線上品牌社群互動結構探討 -以機車品牌為例
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Interaction Structures of Online Brand Communities : A Case Study of Two Scooter Brands
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lin, Sheng-Fen
Wang, Chen-Ya
外文關鍵詞:online brand communitiessocial network analysisservice dominant logicbrand managementGOGORO
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the proliferation of social networking sites, online brand communities (OBC) have played a significant role in both brand perception and marketing. Contemporary enterprises are devoted to building, promoting and managing OBC, eager to cultivate loyal end customers. Although social network has been claimed as a critical factor in brand management, few studies investigated OBC from a network perspective. In addition, this study attempts to figure out the operational difference under the S-D logic enterprise and the G-D logic enterprise.
This study compares and contrasts the interaction patterns of OBC with an emphasis on interaction structures and types between two distinct Taiwanese scooter brands GOGORO (S-D logic oriented enterprise) and KYMCO (G-D logic oriented enterprise). These two brands were chosen because of the uniqueness, feasibility and nature of the study. Combined with social network analysis and content analysis, this exploratory study collects observational data from the Facebook social networking site. By triangulating findings from different methods, the expected results reveal practical implications, which shed light on OBC management.
1. Introduction 10
1.1. Research Background 10
1.2. Research Motivation 11
1.3. Research Purposes and Contributions 11
2. Literature Review 13
2.1. Brand Community 13
2.1.1. Brand Community Interaction Structure 14
2.1.2. Brand Community Interaction Type 16
2.2. Brand Management 17
3. Research Methodology 19
3.1. Cases Study:Scooter Brand in Taiwan 19
3.1.1. GOGORO 22
3.1.2. KYMCO 23
3.2. Research Methods 23
3.3. Data Collection 24
3.4. Data Analysis 26
3.4.1. Interaction Structure Analysis 27
3.4.2. Interaction Type Analysis 29
3.4.3. Centrality Measurement Analysis 36
3.4.4. Postings Content Analysis 38
4. Research Result 39
4.1. Comparison of Interaction Structure 40
4.2. Comparison of Interaction Type 40
4.3. Comparison of Behavior 40
4.4. Comparison of Strategies 41
4.5. Discussion 42
5. Conclusion 43
5.1. Research Implications 43
5.2. Research Contribution 44
5.3. Future Research 45
5.4. Conclusions 46
6. Reference 46
7. Appendix 49

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