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作者(外文):Huang, Kun-Yi
論文名稱(中文):網友互動型態對社群經營 與銷售量關係之探索性研究:以汽車輿情為例
論文名稱(外文):The Exploratory Research of Relationship between Interact Network and Social Community Management or Sales : A Case Study of Automobile Industry
口試委員(外文):WANG, CHEN-YA
外文關鍵詞:eWOMInteraction patternInteraction networkDiscuss feverSocial network analysisMarketing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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網友的互動型態,為描述訊息如何在網友間傳遞的網絡,不僅保留口碑數量的訊息,還能從互動型態的結構中觀察出網友如何互動,是一個能展現社群內部真正活動樣貌的方法。本文目的在於訂定一個衡量互動型態的方法,並探討其與銷售量之間的關聯。實際作法為利用 Mobile01 上2016年台灣的前60大暢銷車款的網路口碑,以每款車為主題繪製網友的互動網絡,並探討互動型態中隱含的訊息,與銷售量之間的關聯。主要貢獻為利用社群網路分析的指標,衡量此網路結構,並發現在不同的網絡大小下,互動網絡結構與銷售量間存在著不同的影響。
Interact network of netizens is a good way to describe social community status. It not only keeps the number of word-of-mouth, but also shows how netizens interact each other. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for measuring this kind of network and to explore its relationship with sales. The thesis is that using the eWOM data of top 60 sales car on Mobile01 forum with crawler technique for building internet users’ interact network. The main contribution is to take advantage of the indicators of social network analysis to measure this network structure and find that network sizes moderates the relationship between interact network’s structure and sales.
第一章 緒論....................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景............................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機............................................................................................... 1
第三節 研究目的............................................................................................... 2
第二章 文獻探討............................................................................................................... 2
第一節 反應....................................................................................................... 3
第二節 網路口碑............................................................................................... 4
第三節 傳遞者................................................................................................... 4
第四節 網路結構............................................................................................... 5
第三節 研究方法 ........................................................................................................... 10
第一節 資料搜集與方法................................................................................. 10
第二節 互動網絡建立…................................................................................. 14
第四節 研究議題與分析流程......................................................................... 16
第四節 分析結果..............................................................,,,............................................19
第一節 不同大小網路的結構差異.................................................................. 19
第二節 不同大小網路的成員組成差異............................................................21
第三節 討論族群的差異....................................................................................22
第五節 結論與建議......................................................................................................... 27
第六節 研究限制與未來研究方向................................................................................. 27
第七節 參考文獻............................................................................................................. 28
附錄 車款口碑資料關鍵字..........................................................................................32
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