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作者(外文):Chang, Bei-Hua
論文名稱(外文):To Facilitate the Exploration of Institutes in NTHU Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
口試委員(外文):Li, Yung-Ming
Wang, Jyun-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Cross fieldInterdisciplinaryDesign scienceText miningLatent Dirichlet Allocation
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  • 點閱點閱:632
  • 評分評分:*****
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此論文的目的是以國立清華大學學生為資訊服務系統的目標使用者,研究他們的探索需求以及此過程中發生的問題,並且發展出一個探索系統的原型作為位小可行產品,來測試校園中符合這個情境的市場。此研究採用設計科學的研究架構,透過不同環節的活動協助我們設計資訊系統達成目標、滿足人們的需求。另外,研究人員也試圖創造機構典藏儲存的外顯知識的價值,使用清大圖書館管理的文獻後設資料,以文字探勘技術、運用隱含狄利克雷分布的主題模型分析出跨系所、跨研究領域的連結性,進一步實現系統,此系統為「研究領域探索系統」Research Area Exploration System (RAES)。
最後,我們邀請兩組學生使用探索系統 (RAES),以及擁有同樣資料來源的清大博碩士論文全文系統 (eTDS),完成任務、填寫問卷,以量化(統計分析)以及質化(訪談)方法來評估系統表現。分析結果顯示探索系統在協助學生接觸、發現陌生系所、研究領域,以及他們的連結性等面向上有較突出的表現。
Cross field learning and multi-professions have become a trend in 21th century. People are gradually expected to possess knowledge and skills across different fields in order to communicate, cooperate, and solve complex problems. In universities, institutes provide learning resources, such as study programs and courses. However, during the process of making career plan and information seeking, the resources and knowledge networks need students who have motivations to explore disciplines beyond their current disciplines with additional efforts to explore and discover. In the past, though people payed attention on how to assist cross-field learning for students, it lacked the discussion about how to utilize information systems to facilitate this task in students' scenarios.
This study aims to investigate the needs and the problems of students as target users of the service system, and develop an exploration prototype system as a minimum viable product to test the market. We also intend to make the value out of data from the institutional repository storing explicit knowledge. To achieve the goals and fulfil the needs of people, we take the framework of design science in the research. The exploration system, called Research Area Exploration System (RAES) applied Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to make connections across institutes and research areas. At the end, we evaluate the performance with quantitative and qualitative methods by comparing RAES with the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation System (eTDS) used by the library. The results show that RAES uniquely benefits users in different aspects from the existing eTDS, which indicates that RAES marginally contributes to facilitating students to cross disciplines in their studies.
Table of Content
List of Figures 5
List of Tables 6
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
1.1 Research Background 7
1.2 Research Motivation 8
1.3 Research Objectives 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Application Domains 11
2.1.1 Cross-Field Learning and Information Seeking 11
2.1.2 Institutional Repositories 14
2.1.3 Design Science and Minimum Viable Products 15
2.2 Latent Dirichlet Allocation 17
Chapter 3 Research Method 19
3.1 Problem Identification 19
3.2 Objective of Solutions Definition 20
3.3 System Architecture Design and Development 20
3.4 Demonstration and Evaluation 21
Chapter 4 System Architecture and Implementation 24
4.1 Objective of Solutions 24
4.2 System Architecture 28
4.2.1 Data Pre-processing 29
4.2.2 LDA and Topics Recommendation 30
4.3 System Implementation 30
4.3.1 Abbreviation Replacement 30
4.3.2 Words Segmentation 31
4.3.3 LDA and Topics Visualization 32
Chapter 5 System Outputs and Evaluation Results 36
5.1 RAES Outputs 36
5.2 Evaluation Results 37
5.2.1 Quantitative Results 39
5.2.2 Qualitative Results 51
Chapter 6 Discussion and Future Work 60
6.1 Discussion 60
6.2 Future Work 62
Chapter 7 Conclusion 64
References 66
Appendix 71
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