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作者(外文):Chiang, Chih-Chan
論文名稱(外文):On Navigating System for Mechanism Design (Knowledge Management of Networking Industry as an Example)
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che-Chun
Chang, Jow-Ran
口試委員(外文):Yang, Twan-Shan
Tsay, Jiin-tarng
外文關鍵詞:GlobalizedCompetitive AdvantageKnowledge ManagementNavigating Design System
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:69
  • 評分評分:*****
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Facing with the trend of globalized severe competition, to ensure the competitive advantage, the success of a new product launch lies in the speed of time-to-market, the decrease of cost, and the demand for quality requirement.
Hence, in 21th century, under the rapid swift of technology with competition scattered in global scale, it has been key factors to maintain the effectiveness, as well as effectiveness of new product development.
In current rapidly changing global environment “Whom to compete with?” “What to compete?” are in essence the key to form strategies for global competiveness.
After being integrated and verified, the over-the-years accumulated R&D data in product design, information and knowledge has been priceless asset for the company.
Through integration and management in product design and manufacturing, those knowledge would be transferred into parameters that will aid computerized production and design.
This research explores the structure of product design with computerized knowledge data as foundation and steps forward to observe the systematic approaches in product design to allow the current mechanical design of new product taking reference to historical projects, so that to achieve the goal of shortening and improving the flow and quality in mechanical design for new products.
Starting with efficiency and benefit, with the systematic research, one shall understand each important factor of the module design in new product development. Through the studying of reasoning in sample cases, effectively decreasing the time for new product development and fully controlling the relevant important information in development of module tool, the goal of true effectiveness and fast development cycle for new product design will be reached.
This research takes networking communication products as example, to further explore the comparison of difference in user groups between users who adopt mechanical navigating design system and those who don’t.
The result shows that mechanical navigating design system save more than 50% of time. When the designer is facing with design problems, the database system is able to provide adequate principle and method, to dramatically lower the probability of error attempts and accelerate the design development.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VII
第一章 導論 2
第一節 研究背景 2
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 機構設計導引與知識管理系統 5
第二節 國內外發展趨勢 6
第三節 競爭優勢及差異性 7
第四節 專案管理 8
第五節 流程引導架構 9
第六節 機構設計架構 9
第七節 知識管理架構 11
第三章 網通產業簡介 13
第一節 網通市場概況 13
第二節 網通技術及研究發展概況 17
第四章 研究方法 19
第一節 核心關鍵技術 19
第二節 研究效益 19
第三節 知識管理重要性 20
第四節 知識管理的效用 21
第五節 市場、環境及使用者需求 22
第六節 機構特徵參數化 24
第七節 模具設計內嵌化 25
第八節 歷史案例知識化 26
第九節 為檢查而設計(Design for Check, DFC) 30
第十節 為組裝而設計 (Design for Assembly, DFA) 31
第五章 實驗方法與分析 33
第一節 現況分析與評估 33
第二節 實驗分析與結果 34
第六章 結論 40
參考文獻 41

表1、機構特徵標準化 29
表2、傳統與系統特徵建立的方式比較 29
表3、特徵建立數量(案例一) 35
表4、特徵建構以時間比較 36
表5、特徵建構以滑鼠點擊次數比較 36
表6、特徵建立數量(案例二) 37
表7、時間比較(案例二) 37
表8、點擊數比較較(案例二) 37
表9、特徵建立數量(案例三) 38
表10、時間比較(案例三) 39
表11、點擊數比較較(案例三) 39
表12、節省設計時間(3案例) 40
圖1、圖庫、設計、系統整合性標準化流程 6
圖2、研究技術關聯圖 8
圖3、專案紀錄 9
圖4、Top-down Design 10
圖5、知識管理架構 12
圖6、資料、資訊與知識之間的關係圖 21
圖7、企業知識管理 22
圖8、高品質模具及產品供應架構 23
圖9、機構參數化設計 24
圖10、干涉檢查 26
圖11、自動化產生斜銷機構 26
圖12、歷史知識庫分類 28
圖13、塑膠件螺絲固定孔柱(Boss)模型 29
圖14、塑膠件卡勾/卡扣(Hook/Snap) 30
圖15、塑膠件卡勾/卡扣(Hook/Snap) 30
圖16、檢查自動化 31
圖17、為組裝而設計 32
圖18、案例一 35
圖19、案例二 36
圖20、案例三 38

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