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作者(外文):Chang, Chi-Shun
論文名稱(外文):Business Growth Strategy:The case study of VAT
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih-Chang
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Yung-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Vacuum ApplicationVacuum ValvesStrategy and InnovationSemiconductor TechnologyVacuum Equipment
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:238
  • 評分評分:*****
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The thesis object "VAT",which is a vacuum valve company with leading brand in the international market field well-known with the development, manufacture and sale. Products application are widely used in semiconductor, flat panel display manufacturing, glass and tool coating, metallurgy, surface analysis, high-energy physics, synchrotron, laser technology and space travel simulation and various research and development areas. In the past 60 years, VAT has good developing shown on the quality of continuous research and excellent core competitiveness. VATs’ name has almost become a synonym for the vacuum valve.

Vacuum equipment is highly concentrated in the SEMICONDUCTION industry, here citing the research agency 『Gartner』, the world's leading information technology research consultancy, predicting that global semiconductor capital spending will grow 2.9 percent to $ 699 billion in 2017. From 2017 to 2019 to maintain a continuous growth. In 2019, global semiconductor capital spending will reach 78.3 billion US dollars. While global semiconductor capital spending grew at 5.1% in 2016, and strong growth at the end of 2016 was driven by spending growth at the end of 2016 and will remain in most of the time in 2017. "

However, since 2014, the VAT family business has been merged with financial management company, and gave large hit and change in inside. Proceeding with topic and task 『VAT-IPO』, VAT changes within the organization. With IPO issue, bring many problem and crisis within company.

Therefore, with this thesis, intend to penetrate and make an analysis of VAT companies in Taiwan to know how it was going on before IPO and what was main problem and crisis with the IPO hit on this company. This can be highlighted and make a balance analysis with the way of『the Porter five power theory』and STP theory 』and 『financial report』. It was realized that before IPO, the operating performance of Taiwan subsidiary was stable and excellent. the current risks and problems is associated with the change of strategy and core value losing, led VAT is going to the key cross to up or down.
摘要 i
Astract ii
誌謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究動機 1
第二節、 VAT公司的背景、市場主要發展概況與產品的市場應用 1
第三節、 產品於業界品牌力與市占率分析 3
第四節、 真空設備應用觀察與相關產業市場成長的概況 4
第二章、 V公司經營能力的歷史分析與觀察 7
第一節、 VAT閥門 vs.『波特五力』分析 7
第二節、 VAT 閥門vs. STP營銷三要素分析 12
第三節、 VAT台灣子公司經營能力的分析與觀察 15
第三章、 V公司的營運與組織變革中的問題、風險與建議 21
第一節、 組織重整與經營模式的轉變分水嶺 21
第二節、 新的組織設計之管理與商業模式問題分析 21
第三節、 對VAT的未來風險、建議與結論 27
參考文獻 30

1. 洪世章,2016。創新六策,台北市:聯經出版社。
2. 亞歷山大.奧斯瓦爾德,2012。獲利世代,台北市:早安財經文化有限公司。
3. 麥可.波特(Michael E. Porter) 。競爭優勢(上) (Competitive Advantage—Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance), 天下文化 ,出版日期:2010-03-31。
4. 溫德爾·史密斯(Wended Smith),1956。 市場細分(Market Segmentation)。
5. 菲利浦·科特勒,STP理論 (市場細分(Segmentation), 目標市場選擇 (Targeting)和市場定位(Positioning))。
6. VLSI Research 市調資訊。2016
7. VAT產品資訊與圖檔,2017。www.vatvalve.com
8. 閥門產業概況,2009。Freedonia Group。
9. 信息技術研究顧問公司Gartner ,2017。半導體研究報告。
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