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作者(外文):Ni, Fu-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Entrepreneurship on the Corporate Merger and Acquisition Strategy in Small and Medium Enterprises: Lessons from the CF Company
外文關鍵詞:small and medium enterprisesentrepreneurshipmerger and acquisitionM&A strategiespost-merger integrationsorganizational learning
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For a company pursuing sustainable development, growth is an essential strategy. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a part of growth strategy. In the past, studies on M&A focus mostly on large enterprises and few on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Also, topics covered in those studies are mainly on the motivations, decision-making, structures, negotiations, post-merger integration, financial synergies and success of M&A activities. The role of entrepreneurship in the decision-making process and the ultimate success of M&A is rarely touched upon. On post-merger synergies, the past studies emphasize on the 1~3 years or 5-year financial synergies. However, in this study, we found that when studying M&A of SMEs, we should not judge the success of an M&A activity based only on the financial synergies derived in 3~5 years. In this qualitative case study, it is found that the key decision-making points of the founding owner-managers of SMEs are somewhat different to professional managers. In fact, entrepreneurship does play a key role in turning defeat into victory, for example, when the enterprise encountered serious financial losses post-M&A as a result of unexpected internal and/or external turmoil; in post-merger integration, persistently leading organizational learning to avoid merger failure, and consequently, allowing the enterprise to grow exponentially. This study also questions past studies in that, as SMEs have less resources and human capital compared to large multinational enterprises, it takes longer in the post-merger integration process. The 1~5 year financial benchmarks commonly used in past studies are perhaps inappropriate for the SMEs M&A.
Keywords: Small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurship, merger and acquisition, M&A strategies, post-merger integrations, organizational learning.
陸、參考文獻...................... 84
附錄一 CF公司重要事件年表...........92
圖1-1 研究流程圖................. 6
圖4-1 HW組織圖 (200608)..........46
圖4-2 CF集團組織圖................60
圖4-3 HW歷年銷售量趨勢圖(2006-2016)...... 62
圖4-4 HW歷年營業額趨勢圖(2006-2016)...... 62
圖5-1 併購流程圖 77
圖5-2 創業家精神與併購決策流程之整合架構..... 79
表3-1 問題類型與不同的研究策略.............. 22
表4-1 CF併購經驗......................... 41
表4-2 併購後HW歷年營業額與銷售量比較表....... 61
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14.黃咸鈞(2016),併購技術綜效創新-以史丹利百得工具機集團為例。國立政治大學科技管理與智慧財產研究所 碩士學位論文。

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