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作者(外文):Lee, Shu-Hua
論文名稱(中文):科技製造業客戶服務創新模式之研究 與最佳化模型建立
論文名稱(外文):Research on Innovation Model of Customer Service in Technology Manufacturing Industry With the Optimization Model Established
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Ching
Hsieh, Ying-Che
中文關鍵詞:科技製造業客戶服務創新3D 加值服務模型
外文關鍵詞:technology manufacturingcustomer service innovation3D value-added service model
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  • 點閱點閱:331
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究擬探討現今的科技製造業,在面臨服務經濟來臨時,如何透過客戶服務創新發展出加值型服務來提升企業的競爭優勢和獲利能力,並應用「服務科學、管理學與工程學 (SSME)」跨領域整合的觀點,分析科技製造業如何建立客戶服務創新模式。
本研究針對科技製造產業中的晶片製造業,探討全球晶片製造業的發展趨勢,並引入分析構面,透過案例,分析發展現況出現的瓶頸與問題,提出3D 加值服務模型在科技製造業發展的可能性。
3D 加值服務模型:
1. 水平軸的加值服務 : 客戶- 企業的系統介面整合 。
2. 時間軸的加值服務 : Big-Data 的技術研發模式 。
3. 人性軸的加值服務 : 客戶接洽服務平台的整合。
希望藉由3D 加值服務模型能有效擴大科技製造業的經營範疇,超越企業原本的業務界線,進而推出各種新型態的客戶服務創新的營運模式及發展方向,達到永續經營的願景。
With the influence of globalization and technology development, the internationalization of technology manufacturing value chain, Taiwan's technology manufacturing industry is facing the global industrial structure transformation, the industry's highly competitive and low-profit phenomenon, coupled with emerging countries such as China through low-cost incentives to attract science and technology Manufacturing shift, leading enterprises must further consider how to respond to technology and external environment rapid changes in the market changes, to explore long-term competitive advantage to maintain competitiveness to avoid customer transfer.
This study is to explore the current technology manufacturing industry, in the face of service economy, how to develop customer service innovation through the development of value-added services to enhance the competitive advantage and profitability, and application of "service science, management and engineering (SSME) "cross-domain integration of the point of view, analysis of how to build a manufacturing technology innovation model.
In this paper, the development trend of the global wafer manufacturing industry is discussed for the chip manufacturing industry in the technology manufacturing industry. The bottleneck and the problem of the development situation are analyzed through the case analysis, and the 3D value-added service model is put forward in the development of science and technology manufacturing industry The possibility of.
3D Value Added Service Model:
1. Value-added services for horizontal axes: Customer-enterprise system interface integration.
2. Timeline of the value-added services: Big-Data technology research and development model.
3. Human axis of the value-added services: customer contact service platform integration.
It is hoped that the 3D value-added service model will effectively expand the business scope of science and technology manufacturing industry, go beyond the original business boundary of enterprises, and then introduce the new business model of customer service innovation and development direction, to achieve sustainable development vision.
中文摘要 1
誌謝 5
第一章 緒 論 8
第一節、 研究背景與動機 8
第二節、 研究目的 9
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節、 企業核心競爭力 10
第二節、 產業的競爭策略 12
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節、 研究方法與流程 14
第二節、 研究對象與範圍 15
第四章 產業背景、概況與市場分析 16
第一節、 科技業客戶服務模式 18
第二節、 製造業客戶服務模式 20
第五章 個案分析 27
第一節、 個案分析公司背景 27
第二節、 個案分析公司簡介 31
第三節、 個案公司客戶服務模式分析 34
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14. DIGITIMES中文網 原文網址: 製造業轉型服務化 建立全新績效指標 http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/iot/shwnws.asp?CnlID=15&id=0000345706_EJC8D2Y5LWWIDN7IBB5EN&ct=1&OneNewsPage=1&Page=1#ixzz4XdUvoLqB
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