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作者(外文):Chang, Ching-Yuan
論文名稱(中文):共享經濟:互聯網+共享營銷人之銷售策略研究 --以太元行汽車服務集團為例
論文名稱(外文):Sharing Economy: Marketing Strategy Research of Internet+Sharing Marketers-A Case Study of Taiyuanxing Motor Company Group
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Weng, Jing-Jing
Hsieh, Yi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Sharing EconomySharing MarketersThe InternetC2C+B2B+B2C+
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共享經濟這個術語最早由美國德克薩斯州立大學社會學教授馬科斯·費爾遜(Marcus Felson)和伊利諾大學社會學教授瓊·斯潘思(Joe L.Spaeth)於1978年發表的論文(Community Structure and Collaborative Consumption : A Routine Activity Approach)中提出。共享經濟現象卻是在最近幾年流行的,其主要特點是,包括一個由協力廠商創建的、以資訊技術為基礎的市場平台。這個協力廠商可以是商業機構組織、個體借助這些平台,交換閒置物品,分享自己的知識、經驗,或者向企業某個創新項目籌集資金等等。2011年,合作性消費被美國《時代週刊》稱為將改變世界的十大想法之一。哈佛大學商學院商務管理教授和歷史學教授南茜·科恩(Nancy Koehn)進一步說明,共享經濟是指個體間接、直接交換商品與服務的系統。理論上,這涵蓋方方面面,包括「共享房間」、「共享單車」、「閒置物品交換」、「共享汽車」、「共享營銷人」等等。所有這些交換皆可通過互聯網實現,尤其是通過智慧手機。這種個體間接、直接交換的系統,在任何時間均可將世界各地成千上萬的人們連接起來。共用經濟提供了一種新的思考方式,是關於商業模式,交換經濟,價值分享和社區網路的新概念。移動互聯網+等資訊技術實現以使用者為中心的新興共享經濟商業模式。
那麼如果說「Uber」、「滴滴共享」的是數千萬的汽車和司機共享,則我們廣大的營銷人以O2O (Online to Offline)的模式,是不是也能進行共享呢? 因此本文繼續前人的研究成果,通過整理相關文獻得出互聯網+「共享營銷人」是汽車產業行銷未來發展方向,就以中國大陸約有6000萬以上營銷人,那麼全球各地區的網路社群連結那就更龐大了。
依其共享銷售通路有以下幾種: C2C+共享營銷會員系統、B2B+共享營銷會員系統、P2P+共享營銷會員系統、B2C+互銷會員系統、C2B+共享營銷會員系統、P2C+共享營銷銷會員系統等等。這樣創新的行銷模式優點是營銷人以其人脈銷售,它與傳統的O2O的差別是在APP網站開店不需要費用,不需要本錢,不需要聘雇員工,汽車產品由公司提供;「共享營銷人(Sharing marketers)」更不是傳銷,因為他提供的產品是知名品牌汽車,成功的模式在於將價值再分配:「太元行公司」不賺差價,「滿足消費者購買到性價比最高的產品」;「共享營銷人」不領固定工資,他們根據業績從公司或平台得到約定的銷售獎金,因此企業不需要負擔固定人力成本;對於大部份企業而言,「共享營銷人」可說是另外一種按件計酬、改善人力成本的方法。本文引用在互聯網+的平行進口車產業的「太元行汽車服務集團」作為案例,進行理論研究,瞭解共享經濟深入整合線上線下互聯網+「共享營銷人」的價值,提出一種同業結盟、異業合作的策略模式,能更有效整合企業資源。本文藉此成功案例分析,目的在讓企業瞭解如何通過共享營銷人才,創造多贏契機,得以降低創業風險,並藉以複製,邁向全球化經營。

The Sharing Economy was first published in 1978 by Marcus Felson, a professor of sociology at Texas State University, and Joe L. Spaeth, a professor of sociology at the University of Illinois at Birmingham (Community Structure and Collaborative Consumption: A Routine Activity Approach). The phenomenon of Sharing Economy, which has become popular in recent years, is characterized by an information technology-based marketplace created by third parties. This syndicate can be a business organization that individuals use to exchange unused items, shared their knowledge, experience, or raise funds for an innovative project in the enterprise. In 2011, cooperative consumption was called by Time magazine as one of the top ten ideas that will change the world. Nancy Koehn, professor of business administration and professor of history at Harvard Business School, further explains that Sharing Economy refers to the system of direct exchange of goods and services between individuals. In theory, this covers everything from hitchhiking, Sharing Rooms, Sharing Bicycles, exchange of unused goods, Sharing Cars, Sharing Marketers and more. All of these exchanges are available over the Internet, especially through smartphones. This system of direct exchange between individuals can connect thousands of people around the world at any time. The Sharing Economy provides a new way of thinking about the new concepts of business model, exchange economies, value-sharing and community networks. Mobile Internet + and other information technology has achieved a new user-centric shared economy and business model.
So, if "Uber" and "Didi Chuxing" are tens of millions of cars and drivers to share, can the vast majority of our marketers also be sharing? With more than 60 million mainland China marketers, marketers in all regions of the world would have a much larger community link. The sharing marketing channels include the following: C2C + Sharing marketing member system, B2B + sharing marketing member system, P2P + sharing marketing member system, B2C + mutual sales member system, C2B + sharing marketing member system, P2C + sharing marketing member system, and so on. The advantage of this innovative marketing model is that the salesperson sells through its networking of people. The difference from the traditional marketing is that there is no cost for opening a shop on the website, no store expenditure, and no employee hiring. Shared marketing are not schemes of pyramid sales. The product Taiyuanhoang Motor Service Group provides is a well-known brand car. The successful model lies in the value redistribution of "Taiyuanhoang’s profit sharing", to satisfy consumers’ purchase of the most cost-effective product; and the shared marketing person does not have a fixed salary. They receive contracted sales bonuses from companies or platforms according to their performance, and the companies need not to bear fixed labor costs. For most companies, the shared marketers can be said to be another kind of pay-on-the-piecework basis, labor cost saving method. This research has used the case of the “Taiyuanhoang Motor Service Group” which has been in the Internet imported car business. Through understanding the inner working of shared economy, this study explores and finds the value of integrating the “shared marketers” of online and offline market and proposes a strategy model for inter- and cross-industry cooperation in order to be more effectively integrating corporate resources. This study, through the analysis of successful company cases, helps companies understand how to share marketing talents, create opportunities for win-win opportunities, reduce business risk, and use them to replicate and move toward global operations.
誌謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究問題背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究方法 4
第四節 研究流程 4
第五節 論文結構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 共享營銷人相關名詞與定義 7
第二節 汽車行業O2O模式分析及趨勢預測 12
第三章 研究方法與理論架構 18
第一節 價值鏈分析 18
第二節 SWOT分析 19
第三節 PEST分析法 21
第四章 個案公司介紹 23
第一節 太元行汽車服務集團公司概況 23
第二節 市場概況 25
第三節 企業經營情況 26
第五章 個案分析 30
第一節 產業外部環境分析 30
第二節 經營管理分析 34第三節 競爭力分析 37
第六章研究結論與建議 40
第一節 訪談結果 40
第二節 結論與建議 41
參考文獻與附錄 46
一、中文部份 46
二、英文部份 49
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