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作者(外文):Wu, Ping-Ju
論文名稱(外文):A Regulatory Framework for Cryptographic Assets Based on Distributed Ledger Technology
指導教授(外文):Lin, Ching-Fu
口試委員(外文):Yang, Yueh-Ping
Tsang, Cheng-Yun
外文關鍵詞:crypto-assetsdistributed ledger technologycryptographyBitcoindecentralizationregulatory frameworktrust architecture
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Cryptographic assets based on distributed ledger technologies and cryptographic technologies have brought many emerging risks due to their unique technical and economic characteristics, among which, the risk of consumer and investor protection, the risk of money laundering and financial terrorism are the most important. This paper examines how Bitcoin creates a “trustless trust” architecture and applies it to existing “intermediary trust” architectures in various parts of society, and discusses how the Ethereum blockchain creates new decentralized applications by its smart contract feature. Various crypto-assets activities such as issuance, custody, transfer, asset management and trading also create different levels of regulatory challenges. This paper also conducts analysis on how the regulatory frameworks of major countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan have tackled the aforementioned challenges, evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of their regulatory frameworks, as well as discusses the positioning of the spectrum of policy choices in different countries. In addition, this paper also reflects a comprehensive overview on the current regulatory landscape in Taiwan with the angle on the potential regulatory issues and further identifies which the regulatory approaches can best serve as a good reference for establishing a new framework with different stages and levels of controls.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究動機與目的 1
第二節、具體研究問題與研究架構 10
第三節、文獻回顧 11
第四節、研究範圍與限制 27
第二章 理論建構 31
第一節、貨幣制度之演進及社會意涵 31
第二節、信任之價值及社會意涵 33
第三節、無須信任的信任架構—比特幣系統概述 37
第四節、蓬勃發展的密碼學資產 41
第五節、密碼學資產主要風險與相關活動 51
第六節、各類活動中應優先監管之特定類型 63
第三章 外國相關法規範與監管措施比較分析 69
第ㄧ節、美國之監管框架 69
第二節、英國之監管框架 85
第三節、日本之監管框架 97
第四節、類型化各國之監管框架 108
第四章 我國現行法規範與監管措施分析 113
第一節、我國之監管概況 113
第二節、我國對密碼學資產相關活動之監管措施 119
第三節、我國之監管如何處理各類活動中應優先監管之特定類型 121
第四節、我國現行監管措施潛在之問題 123
第五章 建構我國密碼學資產之監管框架 128
第一節、類型化我國現行之監管框架 128
第二節、外國之監管框架能否作為借鏡 132
第三節、建構分階段與分層級之新監管框架 137
第六章 結論 147
參考文獻 150

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