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作者(外文):Huang, Chia-Chi.
論文名稱(外文):The impact of interactive aesthetics on self-brand connection: The mediating role of brand experience
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
Hsieh, Yi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:interactive aestheticspliabilitydramaturgical structurefluencybrand experienceself-brand connection
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Aesthetics is important when it comes to designing service system or product. The emergence of mobile phone has changed the behavior of people how to use technology. Communication media have already transformed from the computer to the mobile phone that can be easily used at any place and time. Also, the interaction function on the mobile devices like touch, voice-activated provide users a better brand experience through mobile apps interactions. In the emerging field of user experience, the concept of interaction aesthetic generally applies on apps aesthetic design.
Moreover, although aesthetics has received great attentions, research on the relationship between aesthetics and brand experiences is relatively sparse. It is acknowledged that past aesthetics literatures mostly focused on the discussions of visual design, the goal of this study seeks to investigate the gap between aesthetics and customer brand connection by applying interactive aesthetics literature to the domain of consumers’ brand experience.
After reviewing literatures, this study consists of introducing three aesthetic interaction qualities, or concepts that are intended to be used for addressing the notion of aesthetics of interaction, which are pliability, dramaturgical structure and fluency. To further know how interactive aesthetics perceptions influence consumer’s brand experience and self-brand connection, we used Brakus’s four dimensions of brand experience for the mediator effect of this study. The results show that three dimensions of interactive aesthetics (pliability, dramaturgical structure and fluency,) have significant impact on each dimensions of brand experience, also proves that brand experience have significant impact on users’ self-brand connection.
1.Introduction 1
2.Theoretical Issues and Hypotheses 6
2.1Aesthetics and App aesthetics 6
2.2Interactive aesthetics 9
2.3Dimensions of interactive aesthetics 12
2.3.1 Pliability 12
2.3.2. Dramaturgical structure 16
2.3.3 Fluency 23
2.4 Brand Experience 27
2.5 Self-brand Connection 29
3. Methodology 33
3.1 Research Framework 33
3.2 Questionnaire Design 33
3.3 Sample and data collection 34
3.4 Measures 35
3.4.1 Interactive Aesthetics 35
3.4.2 Brand Experience 36
3.4.3 Self-brand Connection 37
4. Analysis 38
4.1 Reliability and Validity 39
4.2 Hypothesis testing 42
4.3 Mediating Testing 45
5. Conclusion 49
5.1 Discussion 49
5.2 Limitation and Future Directions 52
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