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作者(外文):Chen, Shao-Kai
論文名稱(中文):知覺價值如何影響台灣自造者使用開源平台之意願? 以涉入、網路外部性、知覺易用性為干擾變數
論文名稱(外文):Do Perceived Value Affect Taiwan Maker’s Intention to Use Open Source Platform? Involvement, Network Externality and Perceived Ease of Use as Moderator
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
Hsieh, Yi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Perceived ValueIntention to Use PlatformInvolvementNetwork ExternalitiesPerceived Ease of UseMaker MovementOpen Source Platform
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有學者發現,人們使用科技或系統時有內在與外在的因素,例如進行網路購物時,使用網購平台也可以獲得功利型、任務型的價值,也就是找到想要的東 西;同時獲得享樂型價值,一趟滿意的購物之旅,因此本研究將探討知覺快樂價值與知覺功利價值與台灣自造者使用此類開源平台的意願,同時測試涉入、網及路外部性以及知覺易用性所帶來的干擾效果。研究發現涉入對於快樂價值與使用意願間有著負向干擾效果,而對於功利價值則無顯著干擾,外部性與知覺易用性則對於兩種價值與使用意願有著負向的干擾。
The maker movement have attracted much attention in the Europe, US and China, recently in Taiwan. Besides the impact of product innovation and disruption of supply chain, it also make us value more about our education in science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM). Along with maker faire and makerspace, the open source platform also plays an important role. Through Creative Common, makers are not only allowed to share their invention and idea, but also to modify others’ work, to generate objet more diverse. These creations can satisfy our need and solve our problems.
Some researchers find that people use technology and system driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Further, one study shows that when people use e-commerce, the can have utilitarian and functional value, finding what they want and hedonic value, a happy shopping journey. The study examines the effect between perceived hedonic and utilitarian value and maker’s intention to use and discuss the moderator effect of involvement, network externalities and perceived ease of use at the same time. The presented result indicate that both perceived hedonic and utilitarian value have positive effect on maker’s intention to use open source platform, and involvement has negative moderator effect on relation of hedonic value, but not significant influence on utilitarian value. Both network externalities and perceived ease of use has slightly negative moderator effect.
The study examine the moderator effect of involvement, network externalities and perceived ease of use, and we also give researchers some advices about what to concern if they want to use involvement, network externalities and perceived ease of use as moderator. To attract more users, owner of such platform should keep develop and deliver the complementary service, like online course of digital manufacturing tools and open source software/hard ware.
1. Introduction - 1 -
2. Theoretical Issues - 5 -
2.1 Perceived Value - 5 -
2.1.1 Utilitarian Value - 8 -
2.1.2 Hedonic Value - 9 -
2.2 Intention to Use - 9 -
2.3 Involvement - 10 -
2.4 Network Externalities - 12 -
2.5 Perceived Ease of Use - 15 -
3. Methodology - 17 -
3.1 Research Framework - 17 -
3.2 Questionnaire Design and Measure - 17 -
3.3 Sample and Data Collection - 20 -
4. Data analysis - 22 -
4.1 Reliability and Validity - 22 -
4.2 Regression Analysis and Hypotheses Testing - 25 -
5. Conclusions - 27 -
5.1 Discussion and Implications - 27 -
5.2 Limitation and Future Directions - 30 -
References - 32 -
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