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作者(外文):Lo, Teng-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Estimating Treatment Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Assignment Variables
指導教授(外文):Kuan, Chung-Ming
Sin, Chor-Yiu
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yu-Chin
Lu, Shu-Shiuan
Yang, Tzu-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Average treatment effectMultiple assignment variablesNonparametric estimationQuantile treatment effectRegression discontinuity design
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The estimation methods of regression discontinuity (RD) designs with a single assignment variable have recently been acknowledged to have a wide range of applications in social science. While treatment assignment is often determined by one threshold value, many empirical studies have shown the pervasiveness of RD designs with more than one assignment variable. Moreover, the literature has focused on the average treatment effect and overlooked the interesting perspectives provided by treatment effects at different quantiles of the outcome distribution. In this paper, we propose new approaches for RD designs with multiple assignment variables. The approaches allow nonparametric estimation and could be applied to estimating average treatment effects and quantile treatment effects. Based on our Monte Carlo simulation study, we suggest that the performance of the existing approaches is sensitive to the interaction terms in data generating processes as well as large variations in assignment variables. Our new approaches produce robust and more accurate estimates compared to the existing approaches with respect to all scenarios.
1 Introduction (page 2~5)
2 Literature Review (page 6~23)
2.1 ATE with One Assignment Variable (page 7~12)
2.2 QTE with One Assignment Variable (page 12~14)
2.3 RD Designs with Multiple Assignment Variables (page 14~23)
3 The Proposed Two-Dimensional Approaches (page 24~29)
3.1 The Intersection Approach (page 24~27)
3.2 The Average Approach (page 27~29)
4 Simulation Designs and Results (page 29~37)
4.1 Simulation Results of ATE (page 31~35)
4.2 Simulation Results of QTE (page 35~37)
5 Concluding Remarks (page 37~38)
References (page 38~42)
Appendix (page 43~70)
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