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作者(外文):Kuo, Chun-Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Economic Impact of the Extension of Taiwan High-Speed Rail from Taipei to Yilan: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
指導教授(外文):Liao, Chao-Ning
外文關鍵詞:Computable General EquilibriumHigh-Speed RailSocial Accounting MatrixInput-Output Analysis
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台灣為平衡城鄉差異並促進東部發展,計畫投資新台幣1,764億元,建造由台北南港至宜蘭的高速鐵路,本文除研究此類大型之公共投資是否對於經濟能產生預期之正面影響外,並建構了一個含17產業部門的台灣地區及宜花東地區社會會計矩陣,作為未來進行宜花東地區政策模擬之分析基礎。本研究以單國靜態一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium, CGE) 的方法進行下列兩種模擬,評估高鐵延伸投資案的直接效果:第一種情境是以高鐵延伸投資案的投資金額對於台灣地區的一般均衡模型進行衝擊,第二種情境是依照高鐵在宜花東生產總值的比例分配投資金額,對宜花東地區一般均衡模型進行衝擊。本研究首先參考國外的資料拆分高鐵投資的成本結構;其次,定義產業別及地區別,再依照產業部門別建構台灣地區及宜花東地區的社會會計矩陣,最後以General Algebraic Modeling System程式平台對CGE模型進行模擬分析。
In order to lower the gap between urban and rural areas and promote eastern Taiwan development, the government plans to invest NT$176.4 billion to extend the high-speed railway from Taipei’s Nangang to Yilan. This article examines whether such large-scale public investment can have the expected impacts on the economy. In addition, the study contributes the current literatures by creating a social accounting matrix (SAM) of Taiwan and Eastern Taiwan with 17 sectors that can serve as the database for analyzing government development policies related to Eastern Taiwan. This research uses the single-country static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to conduct the following two simulations to evaluate the direct effects of the high-speed rail extension investment. Scenario 1 simulates the impact of the extension investment on the overall economic performance in Taiwan. Scenario 2 focuses mainly on the economic impact of the investment on Eastern Taiwan. To accomplish the goals, we firstly refer to foreign data to disassemble the cost structure of high-speed rail investment; secondly, define the industry sectors and geographic areas, and then construct the social accounting matrix of Taiwan and Eastern Taiwan according to the industry sectors, and finally use the General Algebraic Modeling System program platform to simulate and analyze the CGE model.
The simulation results for scenario 1 show that the investment will increase the gross domestic production by 1.206% to the total of NT$221,052 million. The investment multiplier in this case is 1.682. The import will increase by 1.445% to NT$143,996 million. Since the main high-speed rail equipment relies on imports, it implies that such investment should be more helpful to our economic development if some technology transfers would occur during the construction process. In addition, the output value of all industries in Taiwan will increase, of which the construction sector increased by 5.74% the most, with an increase of NT$94,162 million, followed by the metal sector with an increase of 3.44%, with an increase of NT$90,275 million. Scenario 2 indicates that the investment will increase the gross domestic product of Eastern Taiwan by 1.111% to the total of NT$3,080 million and the investment multiplier is 1.2. The output value of all industries in Eastern Taiwan will also increase. The 5.1% increase in the construction sector is the highest, followed by the metal sector with an increase of 3.62%. The output value of these two sectors will increase to NT$2,446 million and NT$581 million, respectively. Although there is no new investment in the transportation sector and the accommodation sector, their output values increase by NT$197 million and NT$308 million in scenario 2. It means that the investment will promote regional tourism. The above two scenarios show that the investment multipliers generated by the extension investment are not large. Therefore, we can conclude that the direct effect of expanding government public expenditure for promoting economic growth is limited. Nevertheless, the investment should still be able to balance the economic development and improve the traffic condition within different regions in Taiwan.
摘 要 i
誌謝辭 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 2
1.3 論文結構 3
2. 有關可計算一般均衡的文獻探討 5
2.1 國內外相關CGE研究 5
2.2 國內外區域性可計算一般均衡模型研究 7
2.3 CGE模型在運輸的運用 12
2.4 CGE 模型建構 14
2.5 CGE模型方程式與參數校準 22
3. 高速鐵路成本分析 34
3.1 高速鐵路國際發展 34
3.2 台灣高速鐵路系統簡介 35
3.3 高鐵建設成本估計 36
4. 台灣地區及宜花東地區社會會計矩陣 41
4.1 投入產出分析 41
4.2 產業分類 48
4.3 地區定義 50
4.4 社會會計矩陣基本結構 51
4.5 台灣地區社會會計矩陣 58
4.6 宜花東地區社會會計矩陣 67
4.6.1 宜花東地區投入產出表之最終需求 67
4.6.2 宜花東地區投入產出表之中間投入 71
4.6.3 宜花東地區投入產出表之附加價值 71
5. 實證分析 74
5.1 高鐵延伸至宜蘭對台灣地區經濟影響模擬 74
5.1.1 高鐵延伸至宜蘭站對台灣地區經濟影響模擬 74
5.1.2 模型敏感性分析:南港延伸至四城站為例 82
5.2 高鐵延伸至宜蘭對宜花東地區經濟影響的模擬 84
6. 結論與政策建議 93
6.1 結論與建議 93
6.2 研究限制與後續研究建議 94
參考文獻 95
附錄 103

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