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作者(外文):Chen, Chun-Yen
論文名稱(外文):How Estate Taxes Affect Wealth Distribution? An Idiosyncratic Overlapping Model
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Lu, Shu-Shiuan
Tang, Jenn-Hong
外文關鍵詞:overlapping model with heterogeneous agentbequestestate taxesparental altruismwealth distribution
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis tries to construct a heterogeneous agent overlapping model with bequests, and analyzes the effects of estate taxes and parental altruism on wealth distribution, total assets, bequests and tax revenues. We find that estate taxes can improve the wealth distribution actually in the condition of the stronger parental altruism, but can't improve the wealth distribution in the condition of the weaker parental altruism. Moreover, increasing estate taxes reduces total assets and bequests, and increases the tax revenues, no matter in the higher or lower parental altruism condition.
1 導論 4
1.1 背景與動機 4
1.2 台灣遺產稅改革 6
1.2.1 台灣財富現況 6
1.2.2 我國贈與稅制度沿革 7
2 文獻回顧 8
2.1 模型討論 8
2.2 遺贈行為與稅制討論 9
3 模型設定 12
3.1 經濟體 12
3.2 家計單位問題 14
3.2.1 家計單位的偏好 14
3.2.2 狀態空間 14
3.2.3 價值函數 15
3.2.4 最適問題 16
3.2.5 家計單位的均衡分配 17
3.3 廠商問題 17
3.4 政府政策法則 18
3.5 遞迴競爭均衡 18
4 校準 19
4.1 家計單位 20
4.2 廠商 21
5 實驗結果 21
5.1 稅率實驗結果 22
5.2 關心程度實驗結果 27
6 結論 35
7 參考文獻 36
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