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作者(外文):Lin, Tzu-Yun
論文名稱(中文):一般化掩護性買權策略, 以標準普爾500指數選擇權為例
論文名稱(外文):Generalized Covered Call Strategies on Standard & Poor 500 Index Options
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
口試委員(外文):Liu, Kang
Tsai, Bi-Huei
外文關鍵詞:covered callequity riskvolatility riskimplied volatilityrealized volatility
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  • 點閱點閱:65
  • 評分評分:*****
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This paper investigates generalized covered call strategies. At first, we target on at the money covered call strategy and observe it from both equity and volatility degrees. Different from other related papers about covered call, we focus on its risk rather than return. We get the generalized equation to segment covered call into long equity and short volatility parts, and use empirical data to discuss various kinds of covered call by both its risk and risk premium. Besides, it’s not corresponding to the reality by using a fixed implied volatility, we also consider the difference between the implied volatility and the realized volatility and get the implied volatility by backward calculated, comparing with the realized volatility during the same period, and finally acquire the size of volatility effect. Finally, observing and analyzing covered call strategies under different conditions.
第⼀章、 緒論 1
第⼀節:研究動機與⽬的 1
第⼆節:研究架構 2

第⼆章、⽂獻回顧 3

第三章、研究⽅法 5
第⼀節:⼀般化拆解通式 5
第⼆節:特殊案例 7
第⼀項: 偏空跨式策略(Strip) 7
第⼆項: 偏多跨式策略(Strap) 8
第三項: CBOE S&P 500 30-Delta Buy-Write Index(BXMD) 9
第三節: Black-Scholes 期權訂價模型 11
第四節: 隱含波動度 11
第五節: 歷史波動度 12
第六節: 掩護性買權報酬 13
第⼀項: 股權超額報酬(Equity Excess Return) 13
第⼆項: 波動度超額報酬(Volatility Excess Return) 14
第三項: 掩護性買權總超額報酬(Total Excess Return) 17

第四章、實證分析 18
第⼀節:資料 18
第⼀項:Standard & Poor 500 Index(SPX) 19
第⼆項:Standard & Poor 500 Index Options 19
第⼆節:實證結果 20
第⼀項:隱含波動度、實現波動度與波動度超額報酬 22
第⼆項:⼀般化掩護性買權報酬分布狀況 22
第三項:價平掩護性買權策略敘述統計資料 25
第四項:3%價外掩護性買權策略敘述統計資料 27
第五項:價平、3%價外掩護性買權與指數的⽐較 28
第六項:區間價平掩護性買權報酬 32

第五章、結論與未來發展 36

參考⽂獻 38
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