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作者(外文):Hsu, Chih-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and characterization of photo-triggered DNA nanocomposite grating structures
指導教授(外文):Hung, Yu-Chueh
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Sheng-Kwang
Lee, Ming-Chang
外文關鍵詞:DNAphoto-triggered nanocompositegrating structure
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生物性的高分子材料在近年來廣泛的被利用,其中脫氧核醣核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA)材料由於可以被環境分解且無毒性,並且有特殊的雙股螺旋結構,以及對金屬的親和力高,很常被當作金屬離子的模板,因為具有這些特性,DNA複合物不只在生物學上,也在光電領域中有許多應用,例如用在有機發光元件、有機記憶體等元件上。此外,由於金屬奈米粒子具有表面電漿共振的特性,不同的大小以及種類的金屬奈米粒子會有不同的共振波長與特性,近年來在太陽能電池以及增強表面拉曼散射上也有很多的應用。
於此研究中,我們結合 DNA模板特性與光還原奈米粒子的技術,藉由控制照光區域與強度,於DNA高分子薄膜上製作出毫米至微米等級的週期性奈米粒子光柵結構。第一部分的研究,我們利用光還原法在DNA材料中還原銀奈米粒子,於不同製備參數,藉由吸收光譜的觀察了解奈米粒子的生成情況,並觀察各個材料對光還原反應的影響,找出最佳化的配製條件,並且利用這個參數進行直接塗佈及旋轉塗佈的鍍膜。第二部分我們利用光罩以及355nm的雷射架設的干涉儀控制照光的位置,在DNA材料薄膜上產生週期性的奈米粒子結構,並且藉由不同的觀測方式,包括光譜儀,光學顯微鏡,掃描式電子顯微鏡,觀察結構不同尺度的變化,最終在直接塗佈法的薄膜中可以做出毫米至幾十微米之週期結構。我們的研究展示了DNA‐金屬奈米粒子週期性結構可利用簡易的照光方法製備,此技術將有潛力運用於感測技術以及增強表面拉曼散射中。

Organic biopolymer materials have been widely employed in various applications in recent years. Among all, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) biopolymer has several unique material properties, including the double helix structure, affinity with metal ions, non‐toxic and environmentally friendly characteristics. It has been a good template for metals and has been widely used not only in biology but also in optoelectronic devices, such as organic light‐emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic memory devices. Metallic nanoparticles exhibit tunable surface plasmon resonances subject to different materials and dimensions. Such property has also drawn much attention in the applications of solar cell and surface enhanced Raman scattering.
In this study, we combine the templating property of DNA and a photo‐triggered technique to fabricate DNA‐nanoparticle gratings with a period from millimeter to micrometer by light exposure. First part of the study, we employed the phototriggered method to synthesize metallic nanoparticles in a DNA biopolymer matrix.By varying the preparation conditions, we examined the photochemical synthesis processes by optical absorption spectra. The materials were further optimized and used for thin film deposition by drop casting and spin‐coating. In the second part of the study, we fabricated periodic grating structures on the DNA biopolymer film by light exposure. We define the exposure areas by the employment of a mask and an interferometer. The structures were characterized by various methods, including optical spectrometer, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope. The results show that DNA‐nanoparticle grating structures can be fabricated by light exposure with a period ranging from millimeters to tens of micrometers. Our demonstration reveals the potential of using light irradiation for the fabrication of DNA‐based grating structures, which holds promise for the applications of sensing and surface enhanced Raman scattering.
第一章 緒論 p.1
1.1 前言 p.1
1.2 DNA生物高分子材料介紹及應用 p.1
1.3 金屬奈米粒子的製造與應用 p.4
1.4 光阻與奈米粒子週期性結構 p.9
1.5 實驗目標與研究動機 p.15

第二章 實驗方法 p.16
2.1 材料製備 p.16
2.2 製程儀器 p.18
2.3 量測儀器 p.20

第三章 DNA-CTMA 銀奈米複合材料特性之探討 p.24
3.1 生成機制討論 p.24
3.2 材料之探討與光譜吸收度分析 p.25

第四章 光柵結果與討論 p.32
4.1 較大尺度(>1 mm)製作與量測 p.32
4.2 干涉光柵討論 p.39
4.3 旋轉塗佈法之分析 p.45

第五章 結論與未來展望 p.47
參考文獻 p.48

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