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作者(外文):Yu, Shou-Chien
論文名稱(外文):Single Diode Model Solar Cell Simulation Under Partial Shading Conditions Using LTSPICE
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
口試委員(外文):Chen, Sheng-Hui
Gan, Jon-Yiew
外文關鍵詞:partial shadingsolar modulesimulationsingle diode modelbypass diode
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本次研究中,我們利用電腦軟體LTSPICE可以模擬電阻、二極體和電流源,按照太陽能電池的單二極體模型(Single Diode Model, SDM)來連接成太陽能電池的等效電路。模擬I-V曲線後,將其匯入MATLAB繪製成圖,並進一步計算開路電壓、短路電流、最大功率點電壓、最大功率點電流、最大功率點功率、填充因子和轉換效率。
  本次研究先模擬單一一個太陽能電池的I-V曲線,接著將72個太陽能電池串聯成一個6×12的太陽能模組,模擬當其中四片太陽能電池被遮蔭時太陽能模組的I-V曲線。我們模擬了7個不同的遮蔭位置,在有無旁路二極體,以及在不同遮蔭比例(遮掉的光線量)下的I-V曲線。就此觀察旁路二極體的作用,不同遮蔭比例的影響,以及不同遮蔭位置的影響。此外,我們模擬遮蔭模組1/3及1/2的電池的I-V曲線,觀察橫向遮蔭跟縱向遮蔭的差別。再者,我們模擬不同旁路二極體數量對I-V曲線的影響。最後我們模擬雙二極體模型(Double Diode Model, DDM)跟SDM的差別。
In this research, we use the computer software LTSPICE to simulate resistors, current sources and diodes, connect them into solar cell equivalent circuits according to the single diode model (SDM). After simulating its I-V curve, we load it into MATLAB for plotting, and further calculate open circuit voltage, short circuit current, maximum power point voltage, maximum power point current, maximum power point power, fill factor and energy conversion efficiency.
In this research we first simulate the I-V curve of one single solar cell. Then, we connect 72 solar cells in series into a 6 by 12 solar module, and simulate the I-V curve of this module when four of its solar cells are shaded. We simulated the I-V curve of 7 different shading positions, with or without bypass diode, and under different shading heaviness, so that we can observe the effect of bypass diodes, the effect of different shading heaviness, and the effect of different shading positions. Furthermore, we simulated the I-V curve of 1/3 and 1/2 shaded modules, observing the difference of shading horizontally and vertically. Also, we simulate the effect of different numbers of bypass diodes. Lastly we simulate the difference between the double diode model (DDM) and SDM.
Also, we use LTSPICE to measure the voltage of cells, the voltage and current of bypass diodes, to understand more about the working mechanisms of solar modules.
第一章 序論 ....5
2-2 太陽光譜....12
2-3 太陽能電池運作原理[16]....14
2-2-2 PN接面....14
2-2-3 單二極體模型與雙二極體模型....16
2-2-4 太陽能電池的表現....17
2-3 太陽能系統遭受部分遮蔭....19
2-4 用LTSPICE模擬太陽能電池....21
3-1 取得SDM參數....27
3-2 模擬單一電池....31
3-3 模擬72個電池串聯成的模組中4個電池被遮蔭....33
3-3-1 未接上旁路二極體....35
3-3-2 接上旁路二極體....41
3-4 模擬1/3的電池遭到50%遮蔭....51
3-5 模擬1/2的電池遭到50%遮蔭....56
3-6 不同數量的旁路二極體....60
3-7 雙二極體模型....63
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