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作者(外文):Wang, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(中文):CMOS 製程相容之阻可見光紫外光光電晶體
論文名稱(外文):CMOS Process Compatible Visible-blind Ultraviolet Phototransistors
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Chang
外文關鍵詞:UVUltraviolet PhotodetectorsPhototransistorsLateral Bipolar PhototransistorsVisible-blind FilterCMOS Process Compatible
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  • 點閱點閱:95
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文提出將Al-SiO2-Al金屬-介電質-金屬結構的紫外光Fabry - Pérot濾波器與指叉式結構之橫向雙極性光電晶體 ( Interdigitated Lateral Bipolar Phototransistors ) 結合的設計與製程方式,藉以實現阻可見光紫外光濾波功能並有內建電流增益放大的光偵測器。我們成功抑制了可見光的穿透,並在紫外光波長350nm處,有最高的光響應,其光響應度為9.78E-2 (A/W)。
With the rapid development of the IoT (Internet of Things) and smart devices, People pay more attention to and demand more need for high quality optical sensors. In recent years, tremendous progress has been reported with silicon based devices in visible range. For nonvisible range, such as in ultraviolet and Infrared region, wide bandgap material and III-V semiconductors are usually adopted, which is expensive and incompatible. Therefore, we can develop a silicon-based ultraviolet photodetector using a standard CMOS process. It can be easily integrated with the IC circuit and significantly reduce production costs.
In this thesis, we propose a new design and fabrication method of Al-SiO2-Al (metal-dielectric-metal structure) visible-blind ultraviolet Fabry-Pérot bandpass filter, integrated with the current gain increment interdigitated lateral bipolar phototransistors. We successfully demonstrate suppression of visible light with the highest responsivity 9.78E-2 (A/W) at wavelength of 350 nm.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Contents IV
List of figures VI
List of Table VIII
1 緒論 1
1.1 前言. . . . .1
1.2 研究動機. . . . .3
1.3 文章架構. . . . .4
2 理論背景 5
2.1 UV 光在矽材料的吸收. . . . .5
2.2 光偵測器. . . . .8
2.2.1 光偵測器與基本原理. . . . .8
2.2.2 光偵測器特性參數. . . . .9
2.2.3 p-i-n 光偵測器. . . . .13
2.2.4 光電晶體工作原理. . . . .15
2.3 紫外光帶通濾波器. . . . .18
2.3.1 Fabry–Pérot Filter. . . . .18
3 元件模擬及設計 21
3.1 元件暗電流特性模擬. . . . .21
3.1.1 p-i-n 光偵測器. . . . .22
3.1.2 橫向雙極光電晶體. . . . .25
3.2 紫外光帶通濾波器FDTD 光學模擬. . . . .31
3.3 元件設計. . . . .38
4 元件製作流程 39
4.1 元件製作流程圖與流程說明. . . . .39
4.1.1 指叉式電晶體製作. . . . .39
4.1.2 光學濾波結構製作. . . . .45
5 量測結果與分析 48
5.1 元件成品. . . . .48
5.2 元件光暗電流量測與分析. . . . .50
5.2.1 實驗儀器架設. . . . .50
5.2.2 元件暗電流量測分析. . . . .53
5.2.3 元件光電流量測分析. . . . .58
5.2.4 光轉電響應頻譜量測分析. . . . .60
5.3 紫外光帶通濾波器光頻譜量測分析. . . . .61
6 結論與未來展望 66
6.1 結論. . . . .66
6.2 改善. . . . .67
6.3 未來展望. . . . .67
參考文獻 68
A. Runcard & Recipes 71
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