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作者(外文):Wang, Wei-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Chaos Differential Absorption Lidar for High-Resolution Range-Resolved Gas Concentration Detection
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chen-Bin
Juan, Yu-Chan
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:186
  • 評分評分:*****
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Semiconductor lasers can generate chaotic oscillation (CO) state when subject to optical feedback (OF). Since the CO state is similar to an ideal random signal in the time domain, it has a delta function-liked auto-correlation trace with a very narrow full-width at half-maximum(FWHM) that can be used in developing high precision spatial measurement methods.
In this thesis, we propose to establish a theoretical model of a chaos differential absorption lidar(chaos DIAL) and study its feasibility in measuring high resolution range-resolved gas molecules concentrations. Compared to the limited range resolution of conventional DIALs of around tens of meters, the resolution of the proposed chaos DIAL can be orders of magnitude higher benefited by the CO signals with broader bandwidths.
In this study, we operate the laser in a CO state and use it as the transmitter for the chaos DIAL system. We simulate the concentration distribution measurement of carbon-dioxide using the chaos DIAL system with the theoretical model established. We show that the range resolution of the chaos DIAL can be just 1.2 cm that is much lower than the conventional DIALs. We also show that the retrieval precision of the chaos DIAL can be as small as 2% within the detection range of 10~60m with just 1s of the acquisition time.
Through the theoretical analyses, we show that the chaos DIAL is feasible of high-resolution range-resolved gas concentration distribution measurement. This technique can be further used to develop high-accuracy atmospheric detection and high-efficiency gas disaster prevention method in the future.
1 緒論.....................................1
1.1 前言...................................1
1.2 研究動機...............................2
1.3 章節概述...............................3
2 混沌差別吸收光達原理與理論模型.............5
2.1 半導體雷射的非線性動態行為...............6
2.2 自相關值計算............................9
2.3 時間延遲特徵的抑制.....................10
2.4 光達方程式............................14
2.5 差別吸收光達...........................18
3 模擬成果分析.............................21
3.1 模擬程序..............................22
3.2 空間解析度與比對誤差...................28
3.3 最小可偵測濃度變化.....................31
3.4 氣體還原濃度解析度與準確度..............32
4 比較、結論與未來展望.....................36
4.1 與傳統DIAL之比較......................36
4.2 結論..................................38
4.3 未來展望..............................40
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