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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal GaSb Photodetectors on Si Substrate by Rapid Melt Growth Method
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Chang
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih-Fang
Wang, Li-Kang
外文關鍵詞:GaSbphotodetectorRMGschottky diode
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  • 點閱點閱:255
  • 評分評分:*****
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多年來,在半導體的產業裡,多以矽晶元作為材料,其優點有成本低、容易取得、產能大等等,但近幾年光纖通訊發展蓬勃,使得人們對於紅外光波長的通訊波段有著極大的需求,因此,相應的需要能適用於此波段的光電元件。然而,以矽來說,矽的能帶約1.11ev且其為間接能隙,不僅發光效率差且其對1310~1550 nm波段的光吸收效率也不高,不適合當作通訊用之光電元件。
Over decades, silicon semiconductor industry grows rapidly due to advanced CMOS technology as well as relatively low cost for silicon and stable material properties. Silicon-based optoelectronics, benefited from the matured IC industry, receives a lot of attention recently. One of the key applications is high-speed photodetector for optical communication or optical links. However, Si is transparent for infrared wavelength that is usually used in optical communication because of its bandgap energy and it is indirect bandgap which is inappropriate for emission.
This thesis mainly discussed the photodetector which was suitable for infrared wavelength. We chose the III-V semiconductor Gallium Antimonide (GaSb) as our material because it has good absorption rate for both 1310nm and 1550nm wavelength. Most of GaSb materials were made by MBE or MOCVD according to the literature; however, it took not only a lot of time during the process but also high cost. In this thesis, we made GaSb material by E-gun and Thermal co-evaporation. Although the quality of as-Gasb was not superior to the GaSb made by MBE or MOCVD, it still can be fixed by RMG process and transformed into monocrystalline.
Moreover, many kind of photodetectors had been presented in the optoelectronic field, such as APD, PN, PIN and MSM. Among these photodetector, MSM structure offered the advantages of high-speed and simple fabrication. Using RMG method to integrate GaSb with Si substrate as a MSM photodetector would be a novel design.
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3論文架構 7
第二章 理論背景 8
2.1銻化鎵元素介紹 8
2.2矽與III-V族異質整合 12
2.3快速熱熔磊晶法原理 14
2.4金屬-半導體-金屬 光子偵測器[21-23] 20
第三章 元件結構模擬設計 35
3.1光柵模擬與設計[31, 32] 35
3.2絕熱於主動層及散熱方向 39
3.3隔離層(isolation layer)設計 41
第四章 元件製作流程 43
4.1元件製作流程圖 43
4.2元件製作細節以及重要參數 45
第五章 實驗量測與分析 53
5.1實驗架設與量測方法 53
5.2銻鎵比例及散熱窗對磊晶的影響 56
5.3 RMG參數對磊晶之影響 60
5.4光響應量測 66
第六章 結果與討論 74
6.1結論 74
參考資料 76

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