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作者(外文):Pan, Ta-Kang
論文名稱(外文):Characterization of erbium-doped fiber master oscillator power amplifier for pulsed chaos amplification
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
Juan, Yu-Shan
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:980
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文主要目的在於如何有效提高脈衝訊號的尖峰功率,並且明確的定義出適當的脈衝參數區間,使脈衝訊號不受到波形失真及能量損耗影響,並探討混沌脈衝相對於方波脈衝應用於主從式雷射增系統的優勢。實驗結果中,藉由觀察脈衝時域訊號及理想峰值功率差值,可發現在本實驗區間中,放大自發性輻射於脈衝關閉後約150 μs達到飽和,因此需將脈衝關閉時間縮短至小於150 μs,才能夠有效減少能量損耗,並且必須縮短至大約5 μs,才能夠幾乎不受能量損耗,與預想尖峰功率相符。而藉由脈衝寬度比值、互相關函數運算,可知當脈衝重複率達到5 kHz以上,放大器前後脈衝寬度比值皆非常接近於1,並且相關峰值達到0.9以上,可說明此時受波形失真程度影響較小;而藉由校正後脈衝峰值功率差值,而當脈衝重複率達到 20 kHz 以上,實際量測之峰值功率才能夠符合校正後的預期尖峰功率,代表脈衝訊號幾乎完全不受波形失真影響。由以上實驗結果將可定義出能夠不受波形失真且能夠有效利用能量的脈衝參數區間。而混沌脈衝與方波脈衝的比較中,方波脈衝將會引發受激布里淵散射效應,但由於混沌脈衝具有較寬的光譜線寬,因此較能夠提升光纖放大器中的受激布里淵散射閥值,達到抑制的效果,並且其混亂不重複的編碼調制訊號,將能夠提升光達系統的抗干擾能力。
The aim of our study is generating high peak power pulse by MOPA system. Due to the parameter of pulse input to MOPA system will make pulse distortion and ASE power loss, so we have to define the pulse parameter boundary to suppress these unwanted effect. According to the time domain signal and relative power ratio between measured peak power and ideal peak power, ASE power loss can be effectively suppressed when pulse off time shorter than 150 μs, however, only when pulse off time shorten to less than 5 μs, measured peak power is able to achieve ideal peak power. To prevent pulse waveform distortion effect, pulse repetition rate must be increased. When pulse repetition rate achieve 5 kHz, pulse width ratio is almost be 1 and cross correlation peak is higher than 0.9 between MOPA system input and output signal, but the relative power ratio between measured peak power and ideal peak power with ASE power loss calibrated is almost 0 dB when pulse repetition rate higher than 20 kHz, so pulse waveform distortion can be suppressed when pulse repetition rate higher than 20 kHz. Based on these experimental result, we can define the pulse parameter region without pulse distortion and ASE power loss. The comparison between chaos pulse and square wave pulse, the obviously difference is stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) effect, but benefit to the broadband linewidth of chaos signal can avoid chaos pulse suffer from fiber amplifier's SBS effect, and because the random, non-repeatable characteristic of chaos signal, chaos pulse is applicable to lidar system for anti-interference.

Chapter 1 緒論............1
Chapter 2 理論模型............3
2.1 主從式雷射光纖增益系統基本架構............4
2.2 光纖放大器原理簡述............5
2.3 脈衝主從式增益系統............8
2.4 光回饋系統與非線性動態行為............11
Chapter 3 脈衝光源主從式雷射增益系統............15
3.1 實驗架構............16
3.2 不同脈衝條件下波形失真情況............18
3.3 不同脈衝條件下脈衝尖峰功率變化............26
3.4 不同脈衝條件下互相關函數運算............40
3.5 綜合討論............43
3.6 本實驗室研究特點及對本實驗光達系統之提升............46
Chapter 4 結論與未來展望............48
4.1 結論............48
4.2 未來展望............50
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