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作者(外文):Lin, Kung-Sung
論文名稱(外文):Fiber-Optic Multi-Defense-Area Perimeter Intrusion Detection System With Laser Cavity and Michelson Interferometer Configured in Each Defensed Area
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
口試委員(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
Liu, Wen-Fung
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:171
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:18
  • 收藏收藏:0
In this paper, we propose a perimeter intrusion detection system which uses Michelson interferometers. This system has four defense zone and each zone employs a specified wavelength to detect intrusion. The goal of this paper is trying to find the thresholds at different weathers and situations. We preset three thresholds to decide whether the disturbance is intrusion or not. When the disturbance occurs and the detected signal meets the conditions for intrusion, the proposed algorithm triggers an alarm. In other words, if we want to reduce false alarm rate effectively, we just need to preset the right thresholds at first.
第一章 序論.....1
1.1 研究背景.....1
1.2 研究動機.....1
1.3 文獻回顧.....3
1.3.1 光時域反射儀.....3
1.3.2 桑克干涉儀.....4
1.3.3 混合式干涉儀.....6
1.4 論文架構.....9

第二章 原理與介紹.....10
2.1 光纖(Optical Fiber).....10
2.2 光纖耦合器(Fiber Coupler).....11
2.3 摻鉺光纖放大器(Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier, EDFA).....13
2.4 光纖接續.....16
2.5 麥克森干涉儀(Michelson Interferometer).....17
2.6 入侵判斷.....19
2.6.1 準位跨越門檻值(Level-Crossing Threshold).....19
2.6.2 電壓門檻值(Voltage Thershold).....19
2.6.3 頻率比例門檻值(Frequency Ratio Threshold).....20

第三章 實驗架構.....21
3.1 雷射光源與波長選定.....22
3.2 摻鉺光纖長度選用.....24
3.3 其餘實驗元件介紹.....26
3.3.1 光纖耦合器(Fiber Coupler).....26
3.3.2光纖環形反射鏡(Fiber Loop Mirror).....26
3.3.3密集分波多工器(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer, DWDM).....26
3.3.4鎧裝光纖光纜(Armor Fiber Cable).....27
3.3.5光偵測器(Power Detecter, PD).....27
3.3.6數據採集(Data Acquisition, DAQ).....27
3.3.7麥克森干涉儀(Michelson Interferometer).....28

第四章 實驗結果與分析.....30
4.1 雷射表現.....30
4.2 戶外測試.....32
4.2.1 晴天測試-門檻值選定.....32
4.2.2 小雨測試-門檻值選定(24小時達71毫米).....38
4.2.3 大雨測試-門檻選定(24小時達168毫米).....43
4.2.4 人工豪雨測試-門檻值選定(24小時超過800毫米,中央氣象局定義超大豪雨).....48
4.2.5 各種氣候下比較.....53
4.2.6 防區間互相干擾.....76
4.2.7 入侵結果.....82
4.3 室內測試.....89
4.3.1 門檻值設定.....89
4.3.2 入侵測試.....92

第五章 結論.....94

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