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作者(外文):Chin, Kuo-Cheng.
論文名稱(外文):A Region-based Concurrency Bugs Testing Approach
指導教授(外文):Tsay, Ren-Song
口試委員(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
Chen, Yi-Shin
外文關鍵詞:software testing and debuggingregionconcurrency testingconcurrency bugsinterleavingsystematicstate explosion problem
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In this paper, we propose an effective concurrency bugs testing approach that focuses on suspicious bug-causing code regions instead of blindly testing the whole program. Additionally, with a simple loop heuristic, the region-based approach effectively avoids state explosion problem and is highly efficient while guarantee to find any existing concurrency bugs in the specified code regions. We also devise an optimization scheme to reduce the number of interleavings to be examined to achieve maximum efficiency. Our method can conveniently identify bug-causing interleavings and hence greatly improve debugging efficiency. We have implemented the proposed approach and successfully tested on a few large application cases. The experimental results show that the approach can precisely identify bug sources and perform much more effectively than traditional approaches.
Contents 4
List of Figures 5
List of Tables 7
A. Non-systematic Methods 13
B. Active Methods 14
C. Systematic Methods 15
III. The Region-based Testing Approach 19
A. The Region-based Approach 19
B. Legalize Selected Regions 21
C. Make Regions Executable 27
D. Unroll Loops 27
A. Symbolic Path Analyzer 29
B. Simplify Interleaving Enumeration 30
C. Interleaving Filter 31
D. Bugs Verifier 32
E. The Workflow of Region-based Approach 33
A. Performance Analysis 35
B. Improved Verification Performance 35
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