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作者(外文):Cheng, Chie-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Deep Learning Based Source-Channel Coding for Image Classification over Relay Channels
指導教授(外文):Hong, Yao-Win Peter
口試委員(外文):WU, JEN-MING
外文關鍵詞:deep learningjoint source-channel codingimage transmissionimage classification
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在我們所提出的方法中,傳送端、接收端以及中繼站皆由類神經網路(Neural Network)實現。我們將三段類神經網路連接為一個深度學習網路(Deep neural network)進行共同訓練,並以不可訓練的雜訊層模擬傳輸通道。在所提出的網路中,傳輸端的前若干層以及接收端的最後若干層,皆是依據典型的圖片辨識類神經網路所設計;而在傳輸端以及中繼站的最後若干層的設計,則是用以滿足通訊上傳送能量與符碼長度限制。透過訓練此深度網路,我們達到較傳統「傳輸後辨識」之方法更高的辨識準確率,且在低訊雜比情境下優勢更加顯著。
Considering the development and deployment of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, we aim to propose a scheme where machine learning tasks can be collaboratively accomplished during the transmission among devices. Based on this vision, this work simplifies the model to a single hopping relay channel, and chooses the task as image classification.
To transmit an image through a wireless communication channel in the conventional system, the source first compress the image to reduce the amount of data transmission. The destination need to decode and decompress the image for further tasks such as classification.
In our proposed method, all functions of source, relay, and destination are performed by neural networks. By concatenating them together, with non-trainable layers representing the noisy channel placed in between, we get a deep neural network.
The first few layers of the source, as well as the last few layers of the destination, are designed according to typical image classification neural network model. The last few layers at the destination and the layers at the relay are designed to mimic the conventional signal transmission under the constraint of average power and symbol length.
By training the network at the source, the relay, and the destination jointly, we yield a higher classification accuracy than conventional methods where compression and transmission are done separately. The superiority is even more obvious when the signal-to-noise ratio is low.
Abstract i
Contents ii
1 Introduction 1
2 Background and Related Works 6
3 System Model 10
4 Conventional Method 13
5 Deep Learning Based End-to-End Communications 18
6 Experimental Results 22
6.1 Conventional method 22
6.2 Deep learning based source-channel coding 25
7 Conclusion 39
Bibliography 40
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