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作者(外文):Huang, Yi-Wei
論文名稱(外文):On the Automatic Construction of Knowledge-Map from Handouts for MOOC Courses
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
Chen, Jiann-Liang
外文關鍵詞:knowledge mapslearning stylesMOOCsopen learning
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來大型線上開放課程(MOOCs)為來自世界各地的使用者帶來學習的機會, 然而線上課程使許多使用者面臨認知超載以及概念和導航障礙。尤其是在學習中遇到困難時,需要有效的學習策略以及知識和訊息的管理。
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer valuable opportunities for freedom in learning; however, many learners face cognitive overload and conceptual and navigational disorientation.
Especially, when studying in the scenarios with complex material, there is a need for both effective learning strategies and the management of knowledge and information.
The knowledge maps are a powerful tool that is have the spatial learning strategies by visualizing the knowledge.
In this study, we used handouts to automatically build domain-specific knowledge maps for MOOCs.
We considered handouts as conceptual models created by teachers, and we performed text mining to extract keywords from MOOC handouts and used the structure of the handouts to extract relations between keywords.
Each knowledge map is based on the structure of the handouts, each consisting of an outline, title, and content.
Our experiments of a course prove the proposed the knowledge map generator is faster than manual knowledge map, moreover, it is quite accurate.
The average similarity of our system is high at almost 80\%, and the highest similarity one is 95.8\%.
The findings suggest that using handouts to build knowledge maps is feasible.
This feature is valuable for learners to quick identify the relation between the concepts in every week.
We hope that the proposed system help learners to review, consolidate, and clarify the relation between the concepts.
The overall idea and steps will be presented in this study.
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 RelatedWork 4
2.1 MOOCs 4
2.1.1 Coursera 4
2.1.2 edX 5
2.1.3 Udacity 6
2.1.4 Khan Academy 7
2.1.5 Junyi Academy 8
2.1.6 FutureLearn 8
2.1.7 Open2Study 9
2.1.8 xuetangX 10
2.2 Knowledge map on MOOCs platform 10
2.2.1 Khan Academy 10
2.2.2 Junyi Academy 11
Chapter 3 System Architecture 12
3.1 Layer Structure Overview 12
3.2 Website MVC design 13
3.3 System Architecture 14
3.4 User interface module 15
Chapter 4 System Implementation 17
4.1 Web Server 17
4.1.1 Uploading material 17
4.2 Data Analysis Module 18
4.2.1 Keyword Extraction 18 Text Segmentation 19 Delete Stop Words 19 TF/IDF 19
4.2.2 Relation Extraction 21 Selecting Keywords 21 Parsing PDF 21
4.2.3 Knowledge Map Generation 23
4.3 User Interface Module 24
4.3.1 Environment 24 ShareCourse 24 Cytoscape.js 24 Bootstrap 24
4.3.2 Modified Knowledge Map 24
4.3.3 Knowledge Map Page 25
4.4 Recommender System 27
4.4.1 The Recommendation Page 28
Chapter 5 Experiment 30
5.1 Similarity between Knowledge Maps is calculated 30
5.1.1 Data Set 30
5.1.2 Method 31
5.2 Experiment Questionnaire 35
5.2.1 Data Set 35
5.2.2 Method 35
Chapter 6 Results and Analysis 36
6.1 Analysis of the Similarity for All Weeks of a ”Topics on Investment” and an ”Introduction to Computer Networks” 36
6.1.1 Topics on Investment 36
6.1.2 Introduction to Computer Networks 42
6.2 Analysis the Questionnaire 46
Chapter 7 Conclusion and FutureWork 54
Bibliography 56
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