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作者(外文):Lee, Kuan-I
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Face Detection with Super Resolution
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
口試委員(外文):Peng, Wen-Hsiao
Liu, Tsung-Jung
Lai, Shang-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Face detectionSuper resolutionTiny object
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在電腦視覺領域中,人臉偵測已經是一個行之有年的研究領域,從Viola-Jones 提出的Haar 特徵值偵測一直到近年深度學習網路(Deep Learning),電腦偵測人臉的能力一直不斷進步,其偵測率甚至在近年已相當接近實際人眼觀察能力,然而從一些特別困難的人臉資料庫如WIDER-Faces中,我們還是可以看得出有許多的改進空間,特別是當人臉相當微小,具體而言當圖像中的人臉區域像素值長或寬不超過10~20的時候,儘管人眼還是多少可以觀測出來,但電腦視覺演算法普遍還是難以偵測這些細小人臉。
近年來有非常多表現特別出色的人臉偵測的深度卷積式深層網路(Deep-CNN),也不斷嘗試解決細小人臉偵測不佳的問題,其普遍的作法分為兩種 - 利用影像金字塔或深度網路特徵金字塔提升偵測率,我們會於論文中概述兩者優點與缺點,而本篇論文同樣是針對極度細小人臉的偵測能力加強,而我們則訴求在不額外增加影像或特徵金字塔的前提下,配合現有之人臉偵測技術的資訊,使用近年來同樣蓬勃發展的超解析度化(Super resolution)技術提升並圖像中細小人臉區域,在充足的圖像資訊條件下,分析並進一步去提升人臉偵測率結果。
Object detection has been a hot research topic for many years to date. Among various task we have achieved so far, recent state-of-the-art face detection through deep learning architecture method have proven to be very robust to many kinds of image scenario. Yet when it comes to very tiny faces, typically faces that has no more than 10~20 in pixel sizes, still remains a challenging task for face detection.
Many methods have been proposed to address tiny face detection problem. Most of them are based on image-pyramid or feature-pyramid method. By leveraging multiple sizes in spatial domain or receptive field in convolutional feature layers, it’s a common believe that we can extract more information and thus getting a better result in face detection. Both of these method have their pros and cons.
In this paper, we aim our goal to the tiny face detection and introduce a method that utilize super resolution technique which can increase the sample candidate from the existing detection pipeline and enhance the performance without additional image or feature pyramids. We provided detailed comparison and visualization in our work, and the result have shown performance boost in face detection task.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Content iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 4
1.1 Research Background 4
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Contribution 7
Chapter 2 Related Work 8
2.1 Object and Face Detection 8
2.2 Super Resolution and Face Hallucination 9
2.3 Generative Adversarial Network 11
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 12
3.1 Overview of Network 12
3.2 Detection Pipeline 13
3.3 Proposed Network for Tiny Face SR 14
3.4 Post-processing of Bounding Boxes Information 18
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussions 19
4.1 Premise of Baseline Comparison 19
4.2 Training Details and Performance Evaluations 20
4.3 Observations and Measurement Difficulties 25
4.4 Measurement Corrected Result 27
Chapter 5 Conclusion 30
References 31
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