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作者(外文):Kuo, Shih-Chun
論文名稱(外文):LSTM-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
口試委員(外文):Peng, Wen-Hsiao
Kang, Li-Wei
Tsai, Wen-Jing
外文關鍵詞:Trajectory predictionSocial networkAttention model
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在過去物體軌跡預測的研究中,藉由考慮物體距離和使用長短期記憶模型(Long Short-Term Memory)的學習函數去模擬物體之間的互動。但未來預測的結果不應當僅僅只考慮四周物體的距離來做決定也和自身的運動軌跡慣性及自身和物體的相對重要程度有所關連。預測系統應當注視所有過去運動軌跡並建立輸入軌跡對預測結果的重要關聯性以及了解自己和周圍那些物體有比較大的重要程度,藉此用於提升預測效能。另外,考慮更多的物體訊息例如所向何處和多快速以及考慮物體類別資訊將有助於預測結果的提升。
Future trajectory prediction of objects is a very important technical link for self-driving cars and navigation systems. In order to be safe, efficient, and to avoid collisions, self-driving cars should be able to anticipate what will happen in a changeable environment and predict the future location of surrounding objects in advance. There have been many significant technical advances in autonomous cars, such as Google’s self-driving cars and Tesla’s Autopilot.
In the past research of object trajectory prediction, the interaction between objects was simulated by considering the object distances and learning functions using the Long Short-Term Memory model. However, the results of future predictions should not only depend on the distance of the surrounding objects but also related to their own inertial trajectories and the relative importance between target and other objects. The forecasting system should look at all past trajectories and establish an important relationship between the input trajectories and the prediction results. The forecasting system also needs to aware which surrounding objects is important to target, thereby improving the prediction performance. In addition, considering more object information, such as heading, how fast, and object class will improve the prediction results.
In this paper, our main goal is to improve the effectiveness of object trajectory prediction in dashcam videos. First, a temporal attention model is built to focus on the motion characteristics of moving objects from past trajectories. Our approach is to calculate the importance relationship value between future position and all past trajectories. Furthermore, we build a spatial attention model to understand the relative importance relationship between itself and surrounding objects information, thereby reducing errors and error propagation of predicted results. Finally, combining the direction, speed information and object class of the input trajectory will provide more object information and reduce the misjudgment of prediction. We apply the experimental results to the Kitti tracking database of real driving dashcam videos and New York Grand Central of pedestrian trajectory prediction database. The results show that our method still has quite good results compared to the previous method.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Content iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
Chapter 2 Related Work 8
2.1 The classical methods 8
2.2 The inverse reinforcement learning methods 10
2.3 Markov Decision Processes 13
2.4 Deep learning driven prediction 15
2.5 LSTM based Encoder-Decoder prediction 19
2.6 Object interaction simulation 21
2.7 The attention model 23
Chapter 3 Proposed method 25
3.1 Overview 25
3.2 Problem Definition 27
3.3 Social LSTM with trajectory attention model 27
3.3.1 Architecture 31
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussion 38
4.1 Dataset 38
4.1.1 Evaluation And Performace 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion 46
References 47
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