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作者(外文):Yu, Chia-Jui
論文名稱(外文):Study and Fabrication of GaN Power Devices and RF Devices
指導教授(外文):Wu, Meng-Chyi
口試委員(外文):Su, Yan-Kuin
Chang, Shoou-Jinn
Liu, Wen-Chau
Huang, Jian-Jang
Wang, Yu-Chi
Hsu, Chuck
外文關鍵詞:GaNPower DeviceRF Device
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  • 點閱點閱:643
  • 評分評分:*****
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而於本論文中,低頻直流元件部分,成功製作出高耐壓3000 V之功率二極體、高電流20 A之高速電子遷移率電晶體與閾值電壓為0.6 V之常關型電晶體;高頻交流元件部分則是製作出截止頻率(FT)> 10 GHz與最大震盪頻率(FMAX)>20 GHz之高頻高速電子遷移率電晶體,完整的討論利用氮化鎵材料所製作的兩端點與三端點元件製程技術與量測分析。
In this study, we mainly discuss the use of gallium nitride (GaN) materials to fabricate electronic devices, which are divided into DC power devices and RF devices by the different target applications. In terms of power devices requests, it is divided into high-breakdown voltage diodes, high-current high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), and Normally-off HEMTs; for RF devices employment, we fabricate the high-frequency HEMTs.
In the device fabrication process, it was strictly in accordance with the following four steps, including GaN material epitaxial structure design, device layout design, process technology development and optimization, related characteristics with DC, dynamic, and RF measurement analysis. Finally, devices were confirmed that the related characteristics were reproducible.The part of power devices, which are power diodes and power HEMTs, achieved the reverse breakdown voltage of 3000 V, the 20 A forward current, and threshold voltage equals 0.6 V in different devices successfully; the high-frequency devices, on the other hand, accomplished the cut-off frequency over 10 GHz and the maximum oscillation frequency over 20 GHz.
This dissertation contains a complete discussion of the process technology and measurement analysis of the two-terminal and three-terminal devices fabricated by GaN materials.
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
致 謝 iv
Contents vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivations 1
1-1 Dissertation Organization 1
1-2 Research motivation 1
1-3 Target Applications 3
1-3-1 High Power Applications 3
1-3-2 High Frequency applications 6
Chapter 2 Power Diode 9
2-1 Literature Review 9
2-2 Fundamental principles 11
2-2-1 Forward-bias characteristic 12
2-2-2 Reverse-bias Characteristic 16
2-2-3 Capacitance-Voltage Measurement 19
2-2-4 Baliga’s Figure of Merit 21
2-3 Design of Experiment 22
2-4 Fabrication Process 23
2-5 Results and Discussions 24
2-6 Summary 32
Chapter 3 Power HEMT 33
3-1 Literature Review 33
3-2 Fundamental principles 35
3-2-1 Forward-bias Characteristics 37
3-2-2 Reverse-bias Characteristics 39
3-2-3 Dynamic Characteristics 40
3-2-4 Normally-off HEMTs (P-GaN HEMTs) 41
3-3 Design of Experiment 43
3-3-1 Normally-on HEMT 43
3-3-2 Normally-off HEMT (P-GaN HEMT) 44
3-4 Fabrication Process 44
3-4-1 Normally-on HEMT 44
3-4-2 Normally-off HEMT (P-GaN HEMT) 46
3-5 Results and Discussions 47
3-5-1 Normally-on HEMTs 47
3-5-2 Normally-off HEMTs (P-GaN HEMT) 55
3-6 Summary 60
Chapter 4 RF HEMT 61
4-1 Literature Review 61
4-2 Fundamental Principles for RF Characteristics 64
4-2-1 Scattering Parameters 64
4-2-2 Figures of merit for Small-signal performance 64
4-2-3 Figures of merit for large-signal performance 66
4-3 Design of Experiment 67
4-4 Fabrication Process 69
4-5 Results and Discussions 71
4-6 Summary 78
Chapter 5 Conclusions 79
References 80
Published Lists 85

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