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作者(外文):Wang, Tai-Min
論文名稱(外文):P-channel Differential Multiple-Time Programmable Memory Cells by Laterally Coupled Floating Metal Gate FinFETs
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chrong-Jung
口試委員(外文):King, Ya-Chin
Shih, Jiao-Ren
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  • 點閱點閱:448
  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來半導體產業發展迅速,高科技電子產品的需求逐漸增加,應用也日益廣泛,為追求產品外型輕薄短小,攜帶方便,符合目前電子產品的個人化需求,將一個完整的系統包括記憶體以及周邊的邏輯電路等製作在同一個晶片上的系統單晶片(System-on-a-chip, SoC)整合製程逐漸受到重視,此製程方式能有效的減少成本與製造時間。
In recent years, the semiconductor technology advances rapidly. The demand for high-tech electronic products increases rapidly. People began to pursue product, which is small, light and easy-to-carry. In order to meet these needs, a system-on-a-chip (SoC) integration of a complete system including memories and logic circuits on the same chip of great interests to computation. This process can effectively reduce the cost and developmental time.
A new differential p-channel multiple-time programmable (MTP) memory cell is proposed. Its most important feature is its fully compatible with advanced 16nm CMOS FinFET logic process. This differential MTP cell stores complementary data in floating gates coupled by slot contact structure enable different read current on a single cell. In nano-scale CMOS FinFET logic processes, the gate dielectric layer becomes too thin to retain charge inside the floating gates for very long time. By using a differential architecture, the sensing window of the cell can be extended and maintained by a new blanket boost scheme. Charge retention problem in floating gate cells can be improved by periodic restoring lost charge when significant read window narrowing occurs. In addition to high programming efficiency, this p-channel MTP cells also exhibit good cycling endurance as well as disturb immunity.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
內容目錄 iv
附圖目錄 vi
附表目錄 viii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 非揮發性記憶體介紹與應用 2
1.2 浮動閘極記憶體的介紹與應用 3
1.3 邏輯非揮發性記憶體簡介 4
1.4 論文大綱 4
第二章 可多次寫入記憶體之簡介 9
2.1 可多次寫入記憶體之特性與應用 9
2.2 載子注入之操作機制 10
2.3 可多次寫入記憶體回顧與發展 12
2.4 小結 13
第三章 新型P通道差動式側向耦合記憶體元件結構與操作原理 16
3.1 新型P通道記憶體元件結構介紹 16
3.2 差動式記憶體之特點與操作流程 18
3.3 新型P通道記憶體元件操作機制與原理 19
3.4 小結 22
第四章 新型P通道差動式側向耦合記憶體元件之特性分析 35
4.1 差動式記憶體元件基本操作特性分析 35
4.2 記憶體元件可靠度分析 38
4.3 可靠度最佳化及自我修復 41
4.4 N通道與P通道特性討論 43
4.5 小結 44
第五章 結論 64
參考文獻 65
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