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作者(外文):Kao, Min-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Double Gate Schottky Barrier SiGe Charge Trapping Memories
指導教授(外文):Lien, Chen-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Shih, Chun-Hsing
Chen, Jiann-Heng
外文關鍵詞:Double gateSchottky barrierHot electron injectionSiGe
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  • 點閱點閱:50
  • 評分評分:*****
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Since the coming of IoT era, low power consumption, high program speed memory device gains lots of interest. Moreover, the ongoing scaling on transistor channel length results not only in new structure strategy, but also in the replacement issue of channel material.
In this thesis, we establish the structure of double gate Schottky barrier source/drain O-N-O charge trapping memory cell (SBC), and compare it with double gate conventionally doped source/drain O-N-O charge trapping memory cell (CVC). We find that SBC has higher injection efficiency than CVC does. Additionally, we also compare the above devices with some existing references, and estimate the program time. At VDS=3V, VGS=6V, the program time of SBC is 45.7us. At VDS=6V, VGS=6V, the program time of CVC is 68.7us. SBC is 33% faster than CVC. Also, in the same double gate SB source/drain structure, we compare injection efficiency between Si channel and different x ratio of Si1-xGex channel. At fixed metal workfunction m=4.27eV, injection efficiency is higher in SiGe channel, especially at x=0.7. At fixed SB height b0=0.2eV, Si channel device has higher injection efficiency, injection efficiency decrease with increasing x in SiGe channel device.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
內文目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第1章 :序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.1.1 浮動閘極(Floating Gate)型記憶體介紹 3
1.1.2 矽-二氧化矽-氮化矽-二氧化矽-矽(SONOS)型記憶體介紹 4
1.2 蕭特基能障金氧半場效電晶體 5
1.3 研究動機 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第2章 :電荷捕捉式記憶體的操作與物理模型 11
2.1 SONOS型快閃記憶體操作方式 11
2.1.1 福勒-諾德漢穿隧(Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling)之機制 12
2.1.2 通道熱電子注入(CHEI)之機制 15
2.1.3 帶對帶穿隧引發熱電洞注入(BBHHI)之機制 19
2.2 蕭特基能障電流穿隧之機制 21
第3章 :蕭特基能障記憶體之基本電性模擬 24
3.1 模擬軟體介紹 24
3.2 元件基本模型 27
3.2.1 單閘極元件與雙閘極元件的比較 27
3.2.2 蕭特基能障接面 30
3.2.3 雙閘極蕭特基能障型記憶體基本結構 32
3.3 雙閘極蕭特基能障記憶體的電性與寫入分析 34
3.3.1 雙閘極蕭特基能障型記憶體基本電性分析 34
3.3.2 熱電子寫入實驗設計 39
第4章 :矽鍺通道之雙閘極蕭特基能障記憶體之模擬 44
4.1 矽鍺之材料參數 44
4.2 矽通道與矽鍺通道之雙閘極蕭特基能障記憶體之基本電性比較 45
4.3 矽通道與矽鍺通道之雙閘極蕭特基能障記憶體之寫入比較 52
第5章 :總結與未來展望 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 未來展望 55
參考文獻 56
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