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作者(外文):Hou, Ming-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Ultra-High Power Density VHF Miniaturize Integrated DC-DC Converters with GaN and CMOS In IPD Technology
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Shuo-Hung
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Po-tai
Meng, Chin-Chun
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,縮小晶片尺寸為目前一大趨勢,而當電源轉換器朝降低成本與縮小面積的目標邁進時,將使傳統利用PCB板實現的電源轉換器演變到晶片化。在這個研究中,我們採取System-in-package (SiP) 的技術來達成微型積體化電源轉換器;透過提高電源轉換器開關的切換頻率,可達到較高的功率密度,且當切換頻率上升,能使被動元件的尺寸較小。而使用微製程的元件達成晶片化的系統,亦可大幅,減少整體晶片的面積。
本次研究中,共設計了三種Class-Φ2電源轉換器,因複晶製程的限制,其中兩個設計有結果,其切換頻率分別為240MHz與300MHz,其總面積均小於60 mm2,面積分別約為42 mm2與56.75 mm2,最高轉換效率為61 % 與57 %,量測最大輸出功率分別為3.38 W與3.54 W,功率密度分別為65 W/mm3與50.57 W/mm3,本次研究特別之處在於使用覆晶 (Flip Chip) 技術將三種異質晶片做整合。分別將CMOS閘級驅動器、GaN功率電晶體與IPD被動元件整合在一起。而本次電源轉換器架構是以諧振式Class-Φ2架構來呈現,其中多一組串聯的電感、電容,L2F與C2F為Class-Φ2的主要特色,其可在操作頻率的2倍頻共振,有效提高功率轉換效率,用來改善傳統使用的Class-E架構之缺點,Class-Φ2架構相較於Class-E在高頻且積體化的環境之下,可以有較少的損耗與較高的轉換效率,而其主要的原因為Class-Φ2之RF Choke電感相較於Class-E架構大幅減少,且電晶體的汲極與源極之跨壓也小於Class-E架構,故整體電路損耗可以大幅降低。同時,本電源轉換器使用到的切換開關電晶體和二極體等主動元件皆為新穎的氮化鎵材料,其原因為氮化鎵元件有較高的電子遷移率、較小的導通電阻等特色,較適合呈現在高頻、高耐壓電路使用。
Reducing the size of the chip is now the trend in recent years. In this study, we design the power converter using the concept of in System-in-package (SIP) instead of the traditional PCB boards to reduce the cost and chip size. However, in order to integrate all the components on chip, the switching frequency of the power converter must be increased. As the frequency increases, the size of passive components can be reduced but increase the switching loss. Therefore, the resonant type of power converter is adopted in this work to overcome this issue.
In this work, we design three different power converters, while only two of them can be obtain. The types of Class-Φ2 resonant power converter with the switching frequencies at 240MHz and 300MHz, respectively. The chip sizes are less than 60mm2, approximately 42mm2, and 56.75mm2 with the maximum power conversion efficiency of 61% and 57%, respectively. The maximum output power is 3.38W and 3.54 W, and the power density is approximately 65 W/mm3 and 57.57 W/mm3, respectively.
We combine CMOS and GaN chips by flip-chip bonding technology in the Integrated Passive Device (IPD) substrate including inductors and capacitances. The gate driver is realized by TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS. The power switch and rectifier are fabricated in WIN GaN 0.25-μm HEMT technology. All the passive components including inductors are fabricated in the IPD process. The class-Φ2 resonant power converter has lower losses and a higher conversion efficiency compare with the Class E resonant power converter. The reason is that the RF Choke inductance can be significantly reduced for the Class-Φ2 topology, also the voltage across the drain and source is less than the Class E type, and the overall circuit loss can be greatly reduced.
Chapter 2 introduces the characteristics of GaN power device and wide bandgap power semiconductor devices which are suitable for the high-frequency and high-voltage circuit. Chapter 3 introduces the realization of the active device in WIN 0.25-μm GaN HEMT process and the passive components in IPD process. In Chapter 4, we will introduce the design concept of resonant inverter and power converter design concept. Chapter 5 shows the realization of the Class-Φ2 power converter and the measurement results. Chapter 6 summarizes this work and future work.
第1章 緒論 16
1.1 研究背景與動機 16
1.2 論文架構 17
第2章 氮化鎵主動元件之基本特性 18
2.1 氮化鎵材料的特性 18
2.1.1 寬能隙材料 18
2.1.2 導通電阻與崩潰電壓之探討 20
2.1.3 電子飽和速度 21
2.2 總結 22
第3章 主動元件與被動元件的特性 23
3.1穩懋氮化鎵元件之特性 23
3.1.1 穩懋氮化鎵元件之量測結果 25
3.1.2 氮化鎵蕭特基二極體之實現 26
3.2 被動元件的實現 28
3.3 總結與討論 32
第4章 諧振式電源轉換器介紹 33
4.1電源轉換器的概念 33
4.1.1諧振式DC-DC直流轉換器 33
4.1.2諧振式逆變器 (RESONANT INVERTER) 種類 34
4.1.3諧振式逆變器之比較 40
4.2 硬切與軟切之特性比較 41
5.2.1多諧振式電路 47
5.2.2諧振式整流器 50
5.3.1 各種製程晶片異質整合之辦法 51
5.3.2 閘極驅動電路 58
5.4 量測結果 72
5.4.1 架構一之負載為50 OHM之量測結果 74
5.4.2 架構一之負載為75 OHM之量測結果 81
5.4.3 架構一之負載為100 OHM之量測結果 88
5.4.4 架構二之負載為50 OHM之量測結果 95
5.4.5 架構二之負載為75 OHM之量測結果 102
5.4.6 架構二之負載為100 OHM之量測結果 109
5.4.7 量測與模擬之比較 116
5.4. 總結與討論 124
第6章 結論與未來展望 126
參考文獻 128

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