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作者(外文):Lai, Tien-Hen
論文名稱(外文):The Design of Current Sensing Circuit for AMOLED Display External Compensation System
指導教授(外文):LU, CHIH-WEN
口試委員(外文):CHEN, PO-HUNG
外文關鍵詞:Active matrix organic light emitting diode(AMOLED)External compensation systemCurrent sensing circuitCurrent integratorthin-film transistors (TFTs) variationOLED degradation
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本感測電路所偵測之畫素電流範圍為-0.5μA~0.5μA,輸入電壓範圍為3V~9V,輸出電壓範圍為0.4V~1.4V,並操作在18V/1.8V工作電壓下,面板等效負載使用五級RC等效方式,分別為五顆串聯的1KΩ電阻與五顆並聯的60pF電容。此電流感測電路,包含將畫素電流轉為電壓的電流積分器、電壓位準轉換器的反向放大器與取樣保持電路,並且使用世界先進積體電路股份有限公司所提供的VIS 0.18µm 1P6M CMOS 高壓製程設計與下線,本晶片共200個通道,整體晶片面積為21125µm×1363.8µm。模擬結果為電流感測電路最小解析度1LSB=0.9765mV,其線性度為INL=0.02LSB、DNL=0.035LSB與Gain error=3.47%.
In this thesis,the current sensing circuit is implemented for an active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) display external compensatoin system. In recent years, AMOLED displays have developed rapidly. However, the thin-film transistors (TFTs) of AMOLED display pixel circuit threshold voltage and mobility may vary or shift because of either fabrication process variation or long-term operation. Additionally, the threshold voltage of OLED increases due to the degradation of organic materials. Consequently, these problems reduce the image quality of AMOLED displays. The current sensing circuit is proposed in this work which can sense the electrical characteristics of threshold voltage shifts of driving TFTs and OLEDs, to eliminate these issue. Furthermore, the panel loading influence the linearity of current sensing circuit .The novel structure and frequency compensation methods are proposed to solve linearity issue.
The sensing range of the current sensing circuit is -0.5μA~0.5μA , the input common mode voltage is 3V~9V,and the output voltage range is 0.4V~1.4V. The operation voltage is 1.8V/18V. The panel load is emulated in 5-stage RC which series five 1KΩ resistors and parallel five 60pF capacitors.The current sensing circuit includes current integrator which convert current to voltage , level shifter amplifier and S/H circuit.
This chip implemented VIS 0.18µm 1P6M CMOS high voltage process provided by Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation.This chip includes 200 channels. The die area of this chip is 21125µm×1363.8µm. The 1LSB resolution of current sensing circut is 0.9765mV. The maximum DNL and INL of the current sensing circuit is 0.035LSB and 0.02LSB ,and gain error is 3.47% respectively.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 有機發光二極體顯示器補償系統簡介 5
2.1 有機發光二極體顯示器簡介 5
2.1.1 有機發光二極體簡介 5
2.1.2 薄膜電晶體製程技術簡介 6
2.2 AMOLED驅動方式探討 6
2.2.1 電壓驅動法(Voltage-Driving Method) 6
2.2.2 電流驅動法(Current-driving method) 7
2.3 AMOLED顯示器補償方式簡介 8
2.3.1 內部補償法(Internal compensation) 9
2.3.2 外部補償法(External Compensation) 10
第三章 外部補償系統讀出電路介紹 13
3.1 電路架構與操作原理 14
3.1.1 重置模式(Reset Phase) 15
3.1.2 積分模式(Integration phase) 17
3.1.3 讀出模式(Readout phase) 18
3.2 讀出電路參數介紹 19
3.2.1 最低有效位元(Least signification bit) 19
3.2.2 微分非線性誤差(Differential Nonlinearity,DNL) 20
3.2.3 積分非線性誤差(Integral Nonlinearity,INL) 21
3.2.4 增益誤差(Gain Error) 22
3.2.5 偏移誤差(Offset Error) 22
第四章 電路實現與設計 23
4.1 應用於積分器電路之運算放大器所需規格 23
4.1.1 運算放大器的精準度考量 23
4.1.2 運算放大器的速度考量 24
4.2 應用於積分器電路之運算放大器架構 25
4.2.1 傳統Class-AB 放大器與Miller cascode補償方式 25
4.2.2 傳統Class-AB 放大器與改良式補償方式 29
4.2.3 改良式Class-AB放大器與改良式Class-AB 放大器 32
4.3 應用於反向放大器之運算放大器 38
4.3.1 運算放大器的精準度考量 38
4.3.2 運算放大器的頻寬 39
4.4 應用於採樣與保持電路之運算放大器 40
4.4.1 運算放大器的精準度考量 40
4.4.2 運算放大器的速度考量 41
4.5 拔靴式開關(Bootstrap Switch) 42
4.6 偏壓電路 43
4.7 時序電路設計 45
第五章 電路模擬結果 47
5.1 子電路模擬 47
5.1.1 應用於積分器電路之運算放大器 47
5.1.2 應用於反向放大器之運算放大器 50
5.1.3 應用於採樣與保持電路之運算放大器 53
5.1.4 電壓位準移位器(Level shifter) 55
5.1.5 時脈產生電路 56
5.2 讀出電路模擬 58
5.2.1 電流積分器電路線性度模擬 58
5.2.2 電流感測電路線性度模擬 60
5.2.3 電路佈局 62
第六章 量測環境架設 64
6.1 量測環境架設 64
第七章 結論與未來展望 66
7.1 結論 66
7.2 未來展望 66
第八章 參考文獻 67

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