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作者(外文):Lai, Li-Ya
論文名稱(外文):A High Efficiency Automatic Write Mechanism for Resistive Random Access Memory
指導教授(外文):Chang, Meng-Fan
口試委員(外文):Hong, Hao-Chiao
Chiou, Lih-Yih
外文關鍵詞:Resistive Random Access MemoryAutomatic Write Mechanism
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在此,我們提出自動化寫入機制來解決上述提到的問題。在記憶體中操作中,我們可以將自動化寫入機制設置為另一種模式,不同於正常的寫入模式,主要適用於大容量一次性寫完。一旦前一個細胞已被寫入成功,此時自動化寫入機制可以自動感測切換至下一個細胞的位址,可達到省時間高效率的效益。對FORMING來說,可以解決繁複的製做過程。除了有自動化地功能,我們也提出多組並行操作的架構,並與原始且最簡易的字元基礎架構做比較,我們得到隨著記憶體容量增大,自動化寫入機制可以得到更多的好處。自動化寫入機制不只可以做Auto-FORMING的功能,也可以透過不同的應用搭配Auto-SET與 Auto-RESET功能去藉此達到寫入延遲時間的減少。
將我們提出的想法以1Mb Contact-RRAM記憶體的規格實現在台積電65奈米CMOS邏輯製程上。此架構以高效率操作解決了RRAM在製造中的挑戰,且與原始架構相比,用FOM評估可減少52.9%。
Recent years, the application of non-volatile memories is common used for many electronic product and the market demand is larger, which require larger capacity, lower power and lower cost. The mainstream of non-volatile is Flash memory that is quite popular and widely used. However, Flash memory encounters more challenges in process scaling and require higher voltage to program/erase with longer write time. However, there are some emerging non-volatile memories that have developed to replace FLASH memory as next generation non-volatile memory.
Resistive random access memory (RRAM) is one of the most representative in next generation NVM with lower power, lower write voltage and lower area with CMOS logic-compatible. Nevertheless, RRAM also suffers some problem as device shrinking, such as smaller R ratio (RH/RL) and widen write time distribution. These device characteristic issues will cause challenge on design circuits. In particular, RRAM device has another special operation, FORMING, different from other NVM. Before RRAM leaving the factory, all of bits in RRAM array should be formed one time to form the filament, which make the resistance of cell be lower, and then customer could use this memory product to store the data; therefore, we need to spend additional time to switch every bit and additional cost for FORMING operation on manufacturing. The other issue is ReRAM write latency; because SET operation and RESET operation are different write timing order, the write latency is dominated by the longer operation.
Here, we proposed Auto-Write mechanism to solve above issues. Auto-Write can operate the other mode for memory, which different from the normal write mode; it is apply to write large capacity at one time. Auto-Write can automatically detect and switch to the next address of the cell once the previous cell has been written already, which could save more time to reach high efficiency. For the FORMING operation, it solve complicated operation on manufacturing. In addition to this benefit of automatic switching function, we also proposed multiple grouping in parallel operation scheme to improve write efficiency, which make the amount of improvements also increase as ReRAM density increase compare with the simplest architecture, word-based. Auto-Write scheme not only can do Auto-FORMING function but also can do Auto-SET and Auto-RESET operation with different application to achieve write latency reduction.
We implement our proposed work Auto-Write at 65nm 1Mb Contact-ReRAM memory in TSMC CMOS process. This work solves RRAM manufacturing challenge with high efficiency operation and can gain 52.9% reduction on the FOM evaluation that compare with the original architecture.
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Memory Landscape 1
1.1.1 RAM 3
1.1.2 CAM 3
1.1.3 ROM 4
1.1.4 Programmable NVMs 4
1.2 Challenges of Flash Memory 5
1.3 Emerging Non-Volatile Memories 8
Chapter 2 Characteristic of Contact-ReRAM 11
2.1 Structure of Contact-ReRAM 11
2.2 Switching Mechanism 12
2.3 Distribution of Contact-ReRAM 13
2.4 Read Operation 15
2.5 Write Operation 16
Chapter 3 Design Challenge 18
3.1 Design Challenge of ReRAM Write 18
3.2 Previous Work 20
3.2.1 Write Termination 21
3.2.2 Common FORMING Method 24
Chapter 4 Proposed Scheme and Analysis 27
4.1 Concept 27
4.2 Scheme and Operation 31
4.3 Analysis and Comparisons 37
Chapter 5 Measurement Result and Conclusion 42
5.1 CRRAM Macro Architecture 42
5.2 Design for Test 44
5.3 Measurement Result 46
5.4 Conclusion and Future Works 50
Reference 53

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