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作者(外文):Lin, Yong-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Log-based Cache Design for Sequential-write-constrained Shingled Magnetic Recording Disks
指導教授(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
口試委員(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
Chang, Yuan-Hao
Tu, Chia-Heng
外文關鍵詞:Shingled Magnetic RecordingSMR diskpersistent cachelog-based cache
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  • 評分評分:*****
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我們實作我們的日誌型快取設計在Kernel module所模擬的疊瓦式磁紀錄硬碟上,實驗結果顯示在垃圾回收的相關測量條件下、我們的設計都能有效改善垃圾回收的效率與減少額外的負荷,而在實際上的效能表現、我們的方法在不同的負載應用下、平均能降低19%的垃圾回收延遲與17%的平均寫入延遲。

The areal density of hard disks is reaching the limit. Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) is one of the promising solutions that further extends the areal density but also inherits existing hard disk technology. The design nature of SMR introduces write amplification due to the read-modify-write (RMW) operation when writing on overlapping tracks. In order to lower the impact of write amplification, persistent cache is often used on drive-managed to avoid frequent RMW operations. The cache with sequential-write property on SMR disks needs a new solution to improve SMR disks performance.
In this dissertation, we propose a log-based cache design for sequential-write-constrained properties of SMR disks. The cache is divided into two parts, static cache for static allocation and free cache for dynamic allocation. The free cache is dynamically allocated for the data to be written when the static cache is full, thus extend the period of time hot data stay in the cache and reduce the time taken by garbage collection (GC). The log-based cache design also uses cost-benefit strategy during GC to perform most efficient reclaim.
We implement log-based cache design in a kernel-based SMR disk simulator. The experiments demonstrate an improvement on the GC performance and a reduction on the overhead. The log-based cache design improves GC latency by 19% and average write latency by 17% on average under different workload.
1. 簡介 1
2. 背景介紹 3
2.1 疊瓦式磁紀錄硬碟 3
2.2 動機 5
3. 相關文獻 8
4. 日誌型快取設計 10
4.1 概述 10
4.2 空間分配策略 11
4.3 垃圾回收策略 13
4.3.1 硬碟延遲計算 14
5. 評估 16
5.1 實作 16
5.2 Trace資訊 17
5.3 比較方法 17
5.4 實驗結果 18
5.3.1 垃圾回收的帶數量 19
5.3.2 寫入放大 20
5.3.3 垃圾回收延遲 21
5.3.2 平均延遲 21
6. 結論與未來研究方向 23
7. 參考資料 24
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