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作者(外文):Lin, Jhih-Sin
論文名稱(外文):Software Reliability Analysis Using Preemptive Priority Queueing Models and Rate-Based Simulation Procedures
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chin-Yu
口試委員(外文):Sue, Chuan-Ching
Lin, Jenn-Wei
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the rapid development of technology, people are increasingly dependent on the services provided by many software in their daily lives. As the complexity and size of software grow, the requirement on software quality also become higher and higher. In previous published works, many software reliability growth models (SRGMs) have been successfully used to evaluate the quality of software. Some of those SRGMs have also shown that it is useful to model the fault detection process (FCP) and the fault correction process (FCP) through an infinite server queueing (ISQ) system or a finite server queueing (FSQ) system. However, most of the ISQ and FSQ models obey first come first served (FCFS) rule to remove those faults detected in FDP. In other words, those detected faults waiting for process are arranged in the order only based on the time serially. However, those detected faults should have been classified into different levels and those with higher priority should be served earlier.
In this study, we propose a preemptive priority queueing (PPQ) model that considers both finite debuggers and different priority levels. In PPQ model, faults assigned with higher priority will preemptively grab those resources that have been occupied by lower priority faults. Besides mathematical model, we also construct a rate-based simulation procedure in our work. This procedure is able to demonstrate the behavior of FCP and assess the reliability of the proposed PPQ model. Our proposed simulation procedure can deeply investigate FCP and easily provide system performance information estimated based on the staffing level, the average response time and the average waiting time. In addition to model construction, numerical examples based on three real data sets from open and closed source software are also presented and analyzed. Consequently, experimental results show that the proposed PPQ model and the simulation procedure can provide more accurate estimation capability of software reliability growth, compared to traditional SRGMs. Besides, the proposed PPQ model can also provide information of resource allocation for software project management in practice. We expect that PPQ model can not only provide effective information for software developing management but also help decision makers in resource allocation and cost control.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related works 5
2.1 Overview of SRGMs 5
2.2 The Concept of Queueing Theory 12
2.3 Simulation-Based Approaches 14
Chapter 3 Preemptive Priority Queueing Model 18
3.1 The proposed PPQ Model 18
3.2 Performance and Measurement of the PPQ Model 25
Chapter 4 Simulation Procedures with the Queueing Theoretic Approach 29
4.1 Procedure #1: The Simulation Procedure of Non-Preemptive Priority System 30
4.2 Procedure #2: The Simulation Procedure of Preemptive Priority System 35
Chapter 5 Numerical Examples 40
5.1 Selected data sets 40
5.2 Curve Fitting with Failure Data 47
 Least Square Estimation 47
 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 48
5.3 Criteria for Model Comparison 50
5.4 Case Study - DS1 54
5.5 Case Study - DS2 70
5.6 Case Study - DS3 84
5.7 Threats to Validity 98
Chapter 6 PPQ model Application for Software Project Management and Case Tool 101
6.1 The Efficiency of Correcting Faults 101
6.2 The response time of each fault 102
6.3 Resource Allocation Analysis for Staffing Levels 104
6.4 Reliability Visualization Simulator 110
Chapter 7 Conclusions 113
References 115
Appendixes 120

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